DoggoneExpress, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that operates dog training programs throughout Louisiana.
Our DOGS are from local shelters that would otherwise be euthanized.
Our TRAINERS are inmates at correctional instutitions who provide daily written assessments of their dog’s journey and training progress.
Our ADOPTERS are Veterans, adults and children who suffer from PTSD, Depression, Autism, and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), as well as deaf individuals.
Your DONATION is completely tax-deductible!
On average, service dogs can cost between $8,000–40,000, which isn’t affordable for most of us. Through The Big House to Your House, service companions are paired with candidates for an adoption fee of only $150. Please help us continue to operate by donating!
Saving Paws and Saving Souls
DoggoneExpress has a very successful program in the State of Louisiana called "The Big House to Your House" that establishes dog training programs instituted in correctional facilities.
—DOGS with basic training have a better chance of being adopted, overcrowded shelters are relieved of occupants, euthanasia rates decrease.
—INMATES receive skills, purpose, self-esteem and training they can use upon release.
—VETERANS, adults and children who suffer from PTSD, depression, autism, and Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI), as well as deaf individuals are able to afford a service dog—a life-saving solution in many cases.
Saving Paws and Saving Souls
There have been several news reports on our programs' impact on inmates, shelter dogs and their reciepients. You can read more about our organization, view news reports, articles, videos as well as read our success stories on our website: doggoneexpress.com
We operate solely on donations and with over 37 volunteers who make this happen each day. We use independent contractors to lead the training sessions in the prisons, and they work for $30.00 an hour.
With your help, we can continue to create success after success, and your donations are tax deductible!
Thanks to each and every one of you who choose to help us make a difference in this world by helping those who cannot help themselves. Whether they are on four or two feet, our mission remains: SAVING PAWS AND SAVING SOULS!
Please visit doggoneexpress.com for more information.
Additional Resources:
Study: Service dogs ease PTSD symptoms for vets
How Dogs Can Help Veterans Overcome PTSD
22 veterans commit suicide each day: VA report
Service Dogs: Autism Speaks
Hearing Dogs: Assistance Dogs International
Service Dog Central