Big Brother Desmond Penney Memorial Fund
Today we mourn the sudden loss of our beloved Desmond. Desmond was a beloved son, big brother, cousin and friend. He was a kind, gentle soul and most of all a guardian and protector. As a big brother there was nothing he wouldn’t do for his 3 little brothers. He celebrated his 15th birthday this past June.
With all the stress, pain and emotions the sudden loss of a child brings, it also brings unexpected financial burden. We are trying to raise money to help his mom and dad with any costs that will incur and to help wherever needed.
It is in times like these of great loss, sadness and heartaches when you see people coming together to help one another make it through, to support the people we care for. We are thankful for any support you may be able to provide. We also encourage everyone to keep this family in their thoughts and prayers.