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Summer of Hope - Feature Film

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“It's amazing how much can change in just one summer, but this wasn't just any summer. This was the summer of self-discovery and acceptance, the summer of friendship, heartbreak and passion, the summer of falling in love and letting go.
This was the summer I met Hope.”

Summer of Hope is set to be released Summer 2015


About Summer of Hope

Summer of Hope, written by Ali Dash, is a feature film that takes place in 1974 during the summer after Lucy’s Senior Year of High School. Raised by her alcoholic and abusive father, Lucy is very unsure of herself. She deals with many of insecurities within herself that will unfold throughout the film as she begins to discover who she is. Her boyfriend Jake has been a best friend to Lucy since they were five years old. Even though she cares dearly for Jake, deep down she knows that there is something missing and that she loves him in a different way. During the summer, Lucy meets Hope, who is spontaneous and full of life. Hope lost both of her parents as a child and grew up in foster care. Despite her rough upbringing, Hope is a very positive character and unlike Lucy, she knows exactly who she is. Hope, who is a lesbian, is proud of who she is and never lets any unwanted judgment affect her. “I choose to be me and I choose to be happy” is one the lines she states. The two immediately form a friendship and as the summer continues that friendship turns into love. Lucy learns many things that summer but most importantly, she learns what it means to be herself and what it means to be happy.

Summer of Hope
is a film about discovering who you are. It is film that deals with love, friendship, heartbreak and loss. A film that teaches you to see the beauty in life despite the hardships we all face. That there are certain things in life we have no control over, but it is how we deal with these situations and overcome obstacles that is in our control. It is a film that many will be able to relate to in some way. It will also be a great film for the LGBT community. There aren’t many films out there like this and I think it will be refreshing to have a film like Summer of Hope.

The Team

Robbie Soto is the Director of Summer of Hope. Robbie has been directing since 2006 but made his film debut writing and directing REMINISCE in 2012

Director of Photography- Shannon Lanier with Dark Ronin Films

"Love Between the Sheets" by Dark Ronin Films. Winner for the Audience Choice Award, Best Director, and 1st runner up for Best Film at the 48 Hour Film Festival 2014.

Main Cast

Lucy-- Ali Dash
Hope-- Anna Cameron
Jake-- Brian C. Chenworth

Supporting Cast

Jen-- Krissi Bainbridge
Charles-- Ryan Thomas
Adult Lucy-- Gina Grinkemeyer
Karen-- Catie Carlton
Sunshine-- Brynne Wassel
Ronald-- Alex Pennecke
Jim-- Remy Tyndle
Steven-- Rob Durkee
Adult Hope-- Kelly Schwartz

5 Year Old Lucy -- Ella Dash
10 Year Old Lucy -- Hope Mackenzie Perry
5 Year Old Jake -- Carson Koreck
10 Year Old Jake -- Connor Tarbert


Some of the locations that will be used in Summer of Hope:


Money for the film will go towards:
- production equipment
- production insurance and fees
- production crew
- wardrobe and props
- hair and makeup
- post production services
- location fees
- travel and lodging
- craft services

Our Goal

To create a film that will inspire many. There are so many different aspects to the film and I believe "Summer of Hope" will be a positive and uplifting film. What I love about this film is that it shows the audience regardless if you're straight, gay, a lesbian, what have you, you are still you no matter what and to always be true to yourself. I hope that this film will help others see the beauty in things and in life, to be free...happy. :)

"I know it can be easy to focus on these horrible moments but in life there are also so many beautiful moments, so much beauty in between that we don't always realize is there."
-Summer of Hope

We will be submitting "Summer of Hope" to different film festivals both in the United States and Internationally. We will also host a red carpet premiere when the film is released.

Filming for Summer of Hope will begin September/ October 2014 and the film will be released Summer 2015.

**Be sure to Like our page on Facebook to keep up with all new updates regarding the film!

Thank you all for the wonderful support! The cast and crew are so excited to begin filming "Summer of Hope" and for this amazing story to come to life!

If you are unable to donate please share the campaign and help spread the word about SUMMER OF HOPE!


Ali Dash
Pasadena, MD

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