Open Country Horse Sanctuary
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Horses (Equines) are free animals that deserve to roam on open land in peace. Felidae (large cats) are also wild animals that deserve a good life in nature. There are estimated tens of thousands of privately owned big cats in the united states. Most being kept in secret. These animals are typically mistreated and not properly cared for. Felidae rescued from abuse and mistreatment that cannot be appropriately returned to the wild shall always have a home within our sanctuary. Thanks to generous donations, we are able to rescue horses and big cats in need. Our organization was founded to provide care for these animals and raise awareness of the value of their well-being.
There exist roughly 7.2 million horses in the united states currently. Many of them are in poor care or face imminent slaughter. When horses get old people think their value is lost. Many of these animals worked hard in their life under difficult often abusive situations and they deserve better. Retired or injured service horses, race horses, and police horses for example will always be welcome within our sanctuary. Horses are exported daily from the united states often to Mexico destined for slaughter. We form this organization with the goal of creating a responsible and ethical high-capacity repository for animals in need. To provide facilities where these horses can retire from hardship and live peacefully. We are working to form a team of volunteers that share the same goals and ambition to help these wonderful animals. This along with reaching our budget goal via donations, will allow the vision to begin taking root. Once appropriate land and facilities are acquired the organization's work will truly begin. We want our horses to roam free and experience some sense of the blissful wild. But someone will always be there for them in vigilance. Our budget shall be set high in reserve to allow for proper long-term and emergency care of these animals over the course of their life. Nutritional needs of the horses shall be provided mostly from grazing on properly managed land but fresh hay, grain and water will always be available to equines under our care. The cats will have ample and abundant space for more natural living conditions and be provided everything they need to be healthy and happy. Whatever location the land is ultimately acquired, we will form a relationship with local veterinarians and specially trained professionals. Every incoming animal admitted to the sanctuary will receive a full physical and profile in order to track general health information and any adapt to any special care needed. Our vision is for these animals to have their own time and freedom but they will also be closely monitored and given a minimum annual checkup. We aim for horses under our care to have ample land to graze and roam. For this reason to maximize our effective capacity we will permit the adoption of acceptable horses to qualified adopters. We want to exceed the standard of land recommended for equines to graze freely and promote sustainability. Having a minimum 2 acres per horse should allow for a rotation of land to be sectioned for grazing and regrowing.
The purpose of forming Open Country Horse & Felidae Sanctuary(OCHFS)as a non-profit organization is to establish a charitable fund for the procurement of land and facilities to establish a quality operational animal sanctuary providing a temporary and/or permanent home to horses and big cats in need. The character structure of our NPO is humility and care for animals in a healthy natural environment. The organization shall work within it’s means to rehabilitate animals from injury/trauma and maintain a positive quality of life for all its associated animals. This organization aims to provide a safe and healthy environment for animals who would otherwise be neglected, abused, or killed. In support of H.R.3355 - SAFE Act of 2021117th Congress, the organization shall provide vacancies and facilities for horses rescued from intended illegal export and/or slaughter in this manner.
No animal within the care of OCHFS shall be intended to perform any work or duties other than those of their own personal benefit. Horses under our care will not be kept in stalls unless under special conditions. The Cats areas will set set as large as we can allow. The organization shall seek to form a network of volunteers and/or professionals who specialize in relative areas such as large animal care, veterinarian skills, supply and logistics for ongoing resources needed. Accounting and treasury management to ensure financial stability to run the organization indefinitely.
Open Country
Nashville, TN