Bette's campaign for Sahuarita Food Bank
Please join me in making a difference?
I am now 86 with COPD, so I can not help at
our food bank.
The Food Bank is experiencing a 50%
increase in those who need food.
The Pandemic has reduced
the volunteer staff to just 15.
They face an almost impossible
challenge. Putting their lives at risk!
I am so concerned about people like one
client who is over 90 she needs food for her
family of seven. It moves my heart when I ask her what she needs from my station. She
always says “ I’ll take anything that you could give me. “This is the attitude of most of our
clients. With the empty shelves in places like Walmart we are called to have the privilege
of being a part of helping these people
More information about Sahuarita Food
Bank: The Organization's mission is to feed
the hungry in the community through
education, advocacy and the acquisition,
storage and distribution of food.