Be Relentless Tour - IMpossible
Donation protected
After speaking at several schools Josh realised, the “kids” of today had it far harder than when he was attending school, social media was the new weapon of choice, to not only verbally bully someone as well as physically damaging those being targeted. He experienced the “disconnect” from family / community of the many he spoke too. After his talks the out reach/ feedback he received from students, made him realise these kids felt a “connection” with him, he knew he had a responsibility to them, he knew he had found his mission.
Josh conceived his vision, “to make a positive change to our schools, communities, sporting groups/ clubs, and anyone who is willing to make a difference to their own life and the lives of those around them.”
He wanted to bring family's closer, give people hope, show them tools in how to make their dreams a reality, to never give up on themselves and along the way how to discover a better “YOU.”
So many times in his own journey, Josh was told “impossible” he had learned to turn the word “impossible into IMpossible,” he wanted to share his knowledge and experience.
In today’s society, we are constantly faced with the problems of violence, drugs, suicide and bullying. Josh believes it doesn’t stop in our schools, much of the reason people turn to these things is due to the fact they feel they don’t have a place in their own community, school, home or work place.
Josh has lived a very eventful/ colourful life! He’s not ashamed of it, as the hard times are what has contributed to him being able to successfully connect with so many different people, from kids, corporates, athletes, drug addicts, people who have taken the wrong path, people with all types of disabilities, cancer patients, MS sufferers etc.
Josh was offered the chance to take his story to the USA, fitting into an already developed school motivation/ mentoring program, instead he decided, if he was to do this, he wanted to bring his story to positively influence Australia’s next generation of leaders first.
Josh believes, we need to make a difference to our future and also the present “AUSTRALIA”.
One very strong way is to have a “real” speaker/mentor like Josh, who doesn’t hold back with sharing his life, good and bad but also has subtle ways to connect, making a lasting impression of thousands of lives.
The vision of the “BeRelentless” Tour was launched .
We need your help to get this tour on the road for as long as possible to reach as many schools and communities as possible.
Josh Wood
Cocoroc, VIC