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Memorial Service for Ben Sergeant

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* The 25,000, is from donations received at the beginning of Ben's journey through cancer treatment. I saved this campaign because of how beautifully he wrote his "Story." Please read. *

This is Leah- Ben's little sister. Sadly, I am editing his campaign of "Help Ben beat cancer" to "Help with memorial." Ben passed away on Monday, December 9th surrounded by family and friends. The love and support he was shown these last 2 years has been so meaningful to ALL of us. Ben fought until his body quit, which was his goal. He was the strongest person I have ever met. He was determined to workout, travel, work, etc. through chemo and radiation. During radiation Ben worked 50+ hours a week as a physical therapist traveling all over the DFW area and pulling over to sleep in between patients. He loved the work he did and took great pride in being a physical therapist. Ben was the hardest working, most fun-loving person I have ever known and probably ever will. If you can attend his memorial PLEASE do. I will be posting an event through Facebook and if you are a friend/coworker/family etc you are welcome just please RSVP. Thank you for the kindness that has been shown so far. If you want to help my family with the memorial, feel free to donate. If you do not want to donate, please read Ben's original story below and say a prayer for my family. This loss is so huge. Not only for us, but for everyone Ben knew.

Thank you, 

Hey everyone,
My name is Ben, I'm 30 yrs old and a physical therapist living and working in Texas. Whether you know me personally or stumble upon my page, thanks for taking a minute to learn a little about me and an event that recently changed the course of my life. Before reading further, please understand that although I am in need, I hope my story will also inspire.


I graduated physical therapy school about 3 years ago and hit the ground running, working to run a business and following my entrepreneurial spirit while serving others. I'm blessed in that my profession has allowed me to help heal others and make a true difference in their lives. As we all know life throws curve balls and I now find myself fighting for my life. Instead of helping others, I now need help. 

At the end of November 2017 I was diagnosed with stage 4 colon cancer. This is obviously a shock and as you can imagine my life was turned upside down with 3 simple words " You have cancer". These days cancer seems more and more common, so many of you probably know how devastating this diagnosis can be. I work with cancer patients every day, so this was very difficult for me to process and accept. Typing this was one of the hardest things I've done.

Of course I went through a few days of tears, calling my friends, telling my family and asking God for direction, but not once have I doubted that this is not my end. Over the past month, my mind has taken me to the darkest places imaginable, but also to amazing new heights and ultimately a place of peace and determination. I've had to explain the situation to my employers and have broken the news to many of my patients as I'm having to dramatically change my work schedule. This has been the most difficult month of my life, but if you know me, you also know my spirit isn't broken easily and I have already claimed my victory and healing over this new challenge.

Like many guys in their late 20 early 30's, I've been searching for meaning and direction in life, as well as a new challenge to focus on. This new diagnosis has presented all of these things and I welcome this new challenge as an opportunity to become a new person from the inside out. A special girl used to never admit that anything was a "problem" but took lifes challenges as "areas of opportunity". I've consciously decided to view this new challenge as an opportunity and I've already written my plan and visualized my success. I've decided I will not be a statistic, I've always been an outlier and with God's help and your support, this will be a great success story.


If you decide to donate, I want to outline what the money will be used for. Currently, I'm exploring all avenues of treatment, seeking multiple opinions and travelling to multiple cities. I'm using a top nutritionist, seeking counseling, paying for extra imaging, extra genetic tests and obviously looking into anything holistic that can give me an edge. Currently, it looks like chemotherapy will start early January and will most likely be followed by a series of surgeries.

I still plan to work as much as I can while I go through treatment because I am not going to let this diagnosis define me. On the same note, I also know I have to reduce stress from my life and allow my body to heal. If you don't feel like you can donate, prayer means more than any amount of money. 


Please don't feel sorry for me, encourage me. This burden is placed on me because I can handle it and I've promised my family and friends that this is just a bump in the road that will make me stronger. I've seen my future and I'm excited for a beatiful life. When I beat this, blue skies will be a little brighter, grass a little greener, and I will love just that much deeper. Please pray for me and pass my story along.


Je soutiens


  • Kaitlyn Butts
    • 100 $
    • 5 años
Je soutiens


Ben Sergeant
Georgetown, TX

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