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Benefit for Banyan

Don protégé
Banyan was born deaf in both ears. Due to the significant amount of care with his appointments, hearing aid fittings, meetings with CHIP co hear and the family needing to learn American Sign Language, Banyan's mom is unable to work full time. This money will go to medical expenses, care for Banyan and to help supplement for the amount that will be lost going to a part time working status. The funds will also be divided to CHIP co hear who is the state's organization that helps deaf children coordinate care. A golf benefit will be held August 8th, however if you are unable to attend and would like to contribute, please feel free as any amount will help the family. Light and love!
Faire un don


  • Ashley Auman
    • $100 
    • 4 yrs
Faire un don


Erin Guettlein
Westminster, CO

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