Beloved son and brother, Joseph Sounthone
Joseph “Jojo” Sounthone was born on 05/02/2000. He was 19 years old. Jojo was an amazing kid, he loved helping out his family and friends, always making sure his mom didn’t have to work too hard. He loved basketball, football and hanging out with friends. He couldn’t sit still! He was silly and always had something to say. He made everyone laugh and he always had a HUGE smile on his face. In October 2018, he had surgery for a blood and spinal liquid clot at the base of his neck which resulted in him being paralyzed. He couldn’t eat, speak or walk. After a couple of months, they flew him to Seattle to get rehab in order to help him relearn how to do those things. He was eventually released home under the care of his mom, step dad and siblings. He was back and forth to the hospital many times but, he always came back stronger. He was speaking but, still couldn’t walk or eat, except through a feeding tube... though he was getting there.
Tuesday, March 24, 2020, everyone went to bed and woke up Wednesday morning to find Jojo already gone. This was very unexpected. He was getting better. He was just hanging out with his cousin, laughing and joking, a couple days prior. He will be deeply missed. Any donations will go directly to help his family with his funeral service. If you can share, it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to read about our beloved son, brother, nephew and cousin. We love you, Jojo!