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Beirut Disaster Relief Appeal

Donación protegida
We are a small group of international professionals who are launching this humanitarian fundraising initiative to gather financial resources from our friends, Lebanon's friends, here and abroad, and anyone else around the world who wishes to donate to this humanitarian, disaster relief appeal.

In an effort to help Lebanese hospitals - and other organisations directly involved in the relief effort - to respond to the current catastrophic and devastating crisis provoked by the Beirut Port explosion which occurred on 4 August 2020, we are beseeching you to help alleviate this humanitarian crisis which has destroyed the city of Beirut and shattered and paralysed its residents physically and emotionally. 

Prior to the coronavirus pandemic, which only exacerbated the situation, Lebanon was already reeling from its worst ever economic crisis that had seen more than half the population slip below the poverty line with basic essentials, including medicines, becoming unaffordable. This week's devastating explosion -which was one of the largest peacetime explosions in human history - has inflicted a shocking and crippling sucker-punch that has destroyed much of the capital city of a country that was already in deep despair economically and financially.  The damage from the blast is enormous; it completely destroyed the country's principal port, killed at least 154 residents, injured more than 5000 people - in some cases, life-changing - and left more than 300,000 people homeless as a result of the destruction. 

We will coordinate diligently to distribute the donations to hospitals who were affected by the blast and are in need of financial support to rebuild, source new equipment and medical supplies and to respond to ongoing accident and emergency needs from the tragedy, principally Saint Georges Hospital, Getaoui Hospital, Rosaire Hospital, AUBMC and Hospital Hotel Dieu de France. 

Please Donate now!


  • Anónimo
    • £50
    • 4 años

Equipo de recaudación de fondos (5)

Mira Cawley
Beba El Hajj Ali
Team member
Huda Saba
Team member
Jad Nader
Team member
Randa Khalaf
Team member

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