Bee Hive Relocation Project
Tax deductible
Keep Brownwood Beautiful (KBB) is partnering with Neal Nielson with JN Honey to relocate a large hive of bees currently located near the soon-to-be installed contemplation labyrinth adjacent to the Austin Avenue overpass.
The bee relocation is an unexpected but necessary expense for the labyrinth project. Honey Bee Natural Foods, Inc., located at 909 N. Fisk in Brownwood, is assisting with a generous donation to help cover some of the expense. JN Honey is sold at the Honey Bee store in Brownwood and may be beneficial for people suffering from pollen-related allergies, as the honey is produced by local bees.
Bees are essential for the world’s food crops — each day we rely on bees and other pollinators. In fact, most of the food we consume relies on pollination. Bees are responsible for nuts, coffee, and even spices. Bees also help with the creation of many medicines for humans! Bees are a cornerstone of our food system and along with other pollinators, they help support the plants that provide the air we breathe.
KBB currently is working to raise the remaining money needed for this project: $600
During September, KBB will begin the installation of a decorative stone labyrinth near the overpass. The labyrinth design is sponsored by Ann Jones Real Estate and will be situated near the blue pavilion, across from the location for monthly in-town recycling. The project is an important part of KBB’s focus on beautification along with recycling and litter clean-up.
Amanda Coers
Brownwood, TX
Keep Brownwood Beautiful (Keep Brownwood Beautiful)