Be Part of Oscar's Journey to Healing
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Hello. My name is Lauren. My fiancé John does maintenance and a few weeks ago noticed a dog in quite declining condition after his original owner went to jail. Friday, November 29, the previous owner's family agreed to surrender the dog to John. The dog has been extremely malnourished and neglected and has challenges that we did not realize would arise when John brought the dog home. Saturday, we took him for a vet visit and the vet did caution us she did not know if the dog would make it or not due to the dog's condition. However, we had a game plan and the vet advised us to feed enough for a 50 lb dog divided into small meals. Sunday, he began having seizures. We obviously don't know the official cause of his seizures but are pretty sure it has to do with the rate at which we reintroduced the food. I honestly did not think he was even going to survive yesterday. By some miracle, he made it through the night and is doing better today. He will need more medical care and someone suggested making a GoFundMe page to donate to this awesome dog's medical needs. This dog has been inspirational in the short time I have known him.
The vet says he has ataxia, which means he cannot tell where his legs are due to his malnutrition, and yesterday he could not walk at all. John had to carry him to the bathroom and he couldn't even stand to pee on his own. The vet recommended an overnight hospital stay, which the hospital quoted us a price of $1000 per night. I have reached out to rescue agencies to help us find a foster home or at least financial assistance to help offset costs, but apparently, it is time-consuming to find a foster home and none of the places we reached out to have the funds to assist with the care the vet recommends. He will require more veterinary care to check liver levels and get shots, neutering, etc., if he gets that far. This is going to be a day-to-day situation for a while and every day may look a little different. He is currently 32 lbs and he should be at least 60 based on his breed and body build. We are just trying to give him a fighting chance because he is only 3 years old. We want to give him a better life because all he has known his whole life is neglect. He was kept outside on a short chain as a guard dog for a few years but he was always very kind to John and greeted him excitedly. John has been telling me about him for years and has always talked kindly of him. After meeting him Friday, I can understand why. After witnessing his fighting spirit seizure after seizure, I am even more inspired. We will not take him to a shelter at this point because the shape he is in now, they would likely just euthanize him and we absolutely do not want that. So that's his story. His name is Oscar. He will be gorgeous when he recovers but right now he could use your help. So if you want to donate, do so and it is very much appreciated. All money donated will go to help with Oscar's care, be that food, veterinary, etc. If you want to foster him, even better! We just want him to know love and life. He is seriously such an amazing dog. He doesn't even bark (probably because he is so weak) and he loves being around people. Have a great day and thanks for reading about him! Have a great day!
Lauren MacPherson
Wichita, KS