Be a Candlenights 2017 Star
Candlenights is a yearly holiday (or as the McElroy brothers would say, a "pan-religious, pan-sexual, personal pan holiday) that is usually celebrated with a night of live McElroy family podcasts in their hometown of Huntington, West Virginia. This year, all tickets for the show sold out within an hour, and so many people were disapppointed they wouldn't get to participate in this celebration of Candlenights. All of the funds from this year's live show are going to Big Brothers Big Sisters of South Central West Virginia because one of their largest donors pulled their support, greatly harming the organization after they received a grant to help serve LGBTQ+ youth (wvmetronews.com/2017/10/24/big-brothers-big-sisters-facing-crisis-after-donor-withdraws/). So, we wanted to give those who couldn't get tickets (and maybe even some of those who still did) an extra chance to get in on the giving mood of the Candlenights season. So, we're giving you the opportunity to have your name on an ornament on the Candlenights trees on the stage at the shows for a donation to Big Brothers Big Sisters of South Central West Virginia of just $5. Donate any time up until the day before the live show and you'll have your very own ornament on the Candlenights stage and feel good about the good you did for other people! Have a merry Candlenights, and we can't wait to see you or your name on an ornament at the show!
Rileigh Smirl
Huntington, WV
Big Brothers Big Sisters of South Central West Virginia