Bamboo's ACL Repair
A little about me and why I started this campaign
I am a self-employed gym owner. I teach Jiu Jitsu and kickboxing in Oldsmar, FL. As anyone who is self-employed knows, insurance is expensive and not always an option.
About two months ago, while teaching a class, I heard and felt my left knee pop. As a very healthy person, I didn't expect it to be anything serious. Unfortunately, I was wrong. I had fractured a bone in my knee and completely tore my ACL. Surgery is the only option.
Dr. McLaren at D1 is going to perform the surgery to replace my ACL with my hamstring on June 27th. Without insurance, this is quite expensive. Without the surgery, I can't teach effectively and that impacts my gym.
I want to get back to 100% for my members and fighters.
Why am I doing a GoFundMe Campaign?
Honestly, I wasn't going to because I don't want anyone to feel obligated to help. I keep hearing that I should set up a page and that people would like to help. So, here I am. If you have the ability and desire to help, I would absolutely appreciate it. The mixed martial arts/ Jiu Jitsu community is a huge family. We look out for each other.
How can you help?
- Please share my story with your friends and family
- Donate what you can
- Send positive thoughts and vibes for a speedy recovery. I want to be back on the mats soon!
Thank you for reading my story and for any support you can offer!