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Baby Wild's Tour Adventure

Donazione protetta

Hello wonderful people, we've got some exciting news! Freyja is pregnant. We're having a baby! Due late February 2020.

So, why are we raising money?

Well, a few reasons... 

We know it takes a community. We're lucky to have a very supportive community here in Montréal, a lot of support from the 7 Fingers, as well as access to maternity/paternity leave and quality healthcare in Canada, so it makes a lot of sense to have the baby here in Montréal. But it does mean being far away from both of our 'homes'.
All three of our parents are planning to come and visit around the birth and the first few weeks of Baby Wild's outside life, which does not come cheap.

Passagers has become our little family, we love them a lot and we're excited about the prospect of being able to begin our child's life continuing to do what we both love so much, and while we still can! We plan to return to the show after the baby is born (when everyone is good and ready), and we have at least another year of this kind of touring. Who knows what the future holds after April 2021 but at least until then, we are 'passengers'. 

This does mean childcare though, the show is only 90 minutes. But it's an all-encompassing 90 minutes, not to mention show call, and it's not the kind of show to be passing a baby around backstage. We want our parents to be a big part of our baby's life, and so do they. We'd love them to be able to come on tour with us now and then to help out with this new parenting thing. But we're very aware how expensive it is to follow people you love around the world (we've both done it a fair bit) and we want to help them with this endeavour, as well as create a piggy bank for if they can't be there and we need to hire a professional.

In Summary, we're raising money to...

- Help cover the costs of Freyja's Mum travelling from Australia ($1800 CAD approx)

- Help cover the costs of Conor's parents travelling from the UK ($2000 CAD approx)

- Help cover the cost of accommodation for our parents while they're here for about 2 months ($2000 CAD approx)

- Create a pot of money we can draw from to support our parents joining us on tour later next year to help care for the baby, most of this goes towards flights.  ($3000 CAD approx)

- Create a pot of money to pay for childcare on the road if our parents or friends aren't available/be able to help support any friends who love babies and want to come and hang out on tour with us! (Please let us know if this might be you!) ($3000 approx)

We know this is a lot of money, which is why we're asking for help! We also know a lot of people do this without help.
This is simply us throwing the net wide and seeing what comes back.
We will still receive the funds if we don't 'meet our target', and we will greatly appreciate every cent raised through this.
No amount is too small (or too great), any support given will make us feel warm inside and will go a long way to giving our kid the best start in life. 

Thank you!

The very excited Wilds


Freyja Wild
Montreal, QC

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