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Baby lylas full recovery

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So as many of you probably know Annamarie Macchione is one of my best friends , she is unbelievably selfless, genuine and her beautiful baby lyla is 11 months old is the sweetest child one could ask for. Lyla was very recently attacked by a dog (not hers) and had to be rushed via helecopter to Cooper Trauma Center for emergency surgery to her head.  First x-ray showed fractures in her skull in 3 locations which needed to be addressed immediately.
- She was told that the surgery went well and just hoping for no infection in the healing process and no long term brain injuries.
- First priority is the full recovery of lyla, I'm not sure of specifics but I'm sure the bills will be Astronomical and will be unbelievably stressful to deal with as she will likely be out of work Annamarie will be out of work for an unknown amount of time.
-As most of us know, health insurance covers medical bills for her baby but what about life?
Annamarie , like a lot of us survive off tips as bartenders and waiters always do. no work, means no income, no tips.

-Any contribution and prayers would be greatly appreciated!


  • The DePalmas
    • $20
    • 7 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Armand Mendelsohn
Linwood, NJ
Annamarie Macchione

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