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Ben and Emily are adopting!

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We have been asking and trusting in the Lord to grow our family since we got married in 2012. It was likely that infertility was our reality from the start, but we believed God was bigger than our diagnosis. As we prayed, the Lord saw fit to say “no” to our desire to become pregnant, and we were ready to consider our adoption options.

We learned about Embryo, or “Snowflake,” adoption in March of 2015 and felt led to pursue that. Over two years we adopted a total of 10 embryos and have faced significant loss with four failed attempts at pregnancy through embryo transfer. We have grown weary of the emotional ups and downs of that process. 

So where do we find ourselves now? Through much prayer, conversation, and wisdom from trusted friends, we have changed direction again and are trusting the Lord to grow our family through domestic infant adoption. 

We have chosen to use Adopt!Inc. based out of Lexington, Kentucky, and we have been really impressed with our experience so far and we have just completed the home study stage! 

As you already know, adoption costs are high, but we are confident about the specific fees involved and we trust our agency to wisely steward the finances needed to bring home the baby that God has chosen for us. 

We know that adoption is a gift from God and that his Church is called to be a part of it. What a picture of the good news that we are adopted in to God’s family and he calls us his children! 

Would you consider helping us financially as you are able? We are seeking to raise a total of $33,450. Here is a more detailed breakdown of the costs involved:

Application Fee​ - $250
Home Study​ Fee​​ - $1,450
Activation/Coordination Fee - ​$450
Advertising/Networking​ - $2,500
Acceptance Fee ​- $4,000
Program Fee​ - $16,000
Post-Placement visits - ​$400 each
Finalization Fee​​​​ - $200
Adopt!Inc. Total Fee = $25,250

Legal fees - between $3,000-$4,000
Potential medical assistance for birth mother - $3,000. 

Also, being that our home study is finalized, we are technically on the waiting list and could potentially receive a placement soon! We can not actually know how long the wait will be, but it is wise to begin furnishing our nursery with some basic essentials in the coming weeks. We are including an additional $1,000 to help us purchase a few of these items to get started!

Total estimated cost - $32,450-33,450 (depending on the actual cost for the lawyers). 

Please know that we are more than happy to talk with you about our adoption process and to answer any questions about our journey so far. Do not hesitate to reach out to us!

Thank you so much for taking the time to read about our story! 

The Cornish Family


  • Anonym
    • $320
    • 5 yrs
  • Erin Castleberry
    • $265 (Offline)
    • 5 yrs
  • Sojourn East/Lifesong For Orphans matching grant fundraiser
    • $4,199 (Offline)
    • 5 yrs


Emily Cornish
Louisville, KY

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt