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Morgan's/Connor's Tummytuck

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My Goal Here: Is to raise the funds necessary to find an end, a completion of sorts to my battle with obesity. I see the mark or finish line as getting on the cover of Men's Health Magazine and I can do it, with your help. 

My Journey: I have lost 189lbs of pure FAT and gained almost 100 lbs of muscle. Now having found myself with quite a bit of excess skin and flabby adipose fat around my gut/midsection. I've been struggling and fighting with my body since puberty but in 2006 when I graduated college and moved home back to Portland a health conscious family member, my aunt Gail, got me back on track with my diet when she weighed me in at 399lbs. But it wasn't until 2009 when i made my firm commitment to lose the weight as I realized i did NOT want to live thru the prime of my life as ugly and obese. I bought an exercise bike and for 7 months every day after work I came home and pedaled for 2 hours straight. I lost 80lbs then felt confident enough to go join a gym. I joined and within a month had a personal fitness trainer named Caleb Price, an ex-con who was a professional competitive bodybuilder. He took me under his wing and taught me everything he knew about bodybuilding and eventually how to be a trainer myself. All natural and with guidance and determination i lost ALL the excess weight, i went from a 46inch waist and 46.6% bf to a 32inch waist and 9.6% bf. To help pay for my trainer (as he was not cheap) I started answering modeling gig ads on craigslist. 

My Career: I quickly found out how suited I was for modeling and found my way into acting as well appearing as a extra on series such as GRIMM and LEVERAGE and small bit parts in B-Horror movies, Then eventually the adult entertainment industry and loved it all. However I quickly hit a brick wall when i couldn't go any further with any amount of success because i lacked one crucial thing: ABS! I started applying for lots of jobs and gigs and started hearing the same thing "you've got a great face, GREAT muscles, fantastic transformation story... you've accomplished alot! Get a sixpack and we'll sign you..." it sucked as it's kinda hard to get a sixpack when you ALREADY HAVE ONE its just covered up with an extra 14 inches of loose skin and flab. I became a Fitness Trainer and now i have the strongest abdominals in my gym- literally. I can plank over 300 extra lbs on my back for a full minute and do over 100 situps without stopping. But none of that matters unless you can see them. No amount of patience and time will tighten up THAT MUCH extra skin.

My career is dependent upon looks and i want to keep going for as long as I can. I've worked incredibly hard and strived and struggled for every inch- literally. It seems i save and save and something crucial always comes up that is more important to use the funds for. Everyone who knows me knows that i don't like to ask for help but I've come to accept that asking for help from those who mean something to you, or your fans or anyone who you've made a difference to isn't a sign of weakness. So i'm giving a shout out to my fans, my friends and anyone that would understand or who has tried to lose a ton of weight and better yourself to help a guy be as studly as possible and see his dream come true by rocketing his career as far as it can go. please?! 

ANY AMOUNT will help. EVERY donation will get a personal thank you from yours truly via phone call if you want and before and after pics. This will mean SOO much to me if i can actually finally get to the mark and accomplish the impossible- be on the cover of Men's Health Magazine. I see this as the finish line. Men's Health Magazine has an amateur modeling competition for the front page with spread every August. I've applied before and got told the same shtik- "great face, great body but you need a six pack." Please help me get there!!!?


Morgan James Scott
Portland, OR
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