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More than a Conqueror

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Hello, my name is Cheyenne DeVelasco. I was diagnosed on June 14th, 2014 with Osteosarcoma in my left leg part of the fibula bone. Four months later I would have a successful surgery on my left leg to remove the large mass. I finished what I thought was going to be my last round of chemo treatment on March 23rd 2015.

However, as it would turn out that wasn't the case. I had to have two more leg surgeries, the final one was to amputate my leg from above my knee.


I have had 7 different types of chemotherapy: Cisplatin, Doxorubicin, Methotrexate, Ifosfamide, Etoposide, Gemcitabine, and Docetaxel. These were supposed to stop the disease but it would eventually appear back in my leg. The cancer also spread to both of my lungs after my second leg surgery, so in order to clear my lungs of the disease I have had three lung surgeries. A thoracotomy on my right lung and a scope on my left caused me to be in the hospital for a little more than a week due to my left side having recurring problems with healing.

Now that my leg has been amputated I am waiting for my leg to heal so another lung surgery can be performed. Removing the new growth of nodules in my left lung is the next step, which will then lead to having some radiation done on my right lung. Once this is all completed I will start an oral chemo as a “icing on the cake”.

I never really thought about what my life would be like once I discovered I had this type of cancer. I lived what I thought to believe to be, one of the most normal lives a young teen would live. I hang with my friends, like to go shopping, enjoy listening to music, and love going to the movies with friends.

Never did I think I would be including CANCER in my life.

I decided I was not going to let this change my life for the worse and that my life was going to be changed for the better. I could have let this cancer change who I am and pity myself, but I wasn’t going to because that isn't who I am.  Who I am is someone who has gone through some rough things in my short life and have gotten through them because of my faith, the doctors, nurses, and the research that has been done to fight cancer. 

We are so thankful to all the doctors and nurses and their ongoing dedication at Lurie Children's Hospital in Chicago for working to find a cure for cancer. We are also so thankful for individuals like yourself  that are willing to help out my parents with out of pocket expenses.  Such as , gas, food,  co-pays and medicine not covered by insurance etc.    
We can all be more than a conqueror!
ROMANS 8:37 -39

Thank you for your support.

Cheyenne DeVelasco


  • Gloria (Balog) Truax
    • 50 $
    • 7 años


Brent DeVelasco
Aurora, IL

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