Help For David and Lucky (PART 3)
The saga of David’s journey towards better health and some independence is ongoing. There have been many obstacles and complications along the way. However, David is truly an amazing man whose determination to live has astounded even the doctors who have been treating him throughout his illness. Limited health coverage is now preventing David from receiving round the clock IV antibiotics to combat his life-threatening bone infection. Currently he has a VNA nurse coming to his room to change his bandages three days a week.
On the upside, David has been reunited with his adoring cat Lucky whom he rescued as a little kitten abandoned on the streets of New York City. By tucking the nearly furless kitten inside his shirt, the warmth radiating from David’s body kept Lucky warm day after day. And with lots of loving and good food, Lucky grew into a beautiful glossy coated tabby, full of confidence and Joie de Vive! That experience bonded man and feline together as soulmates, with absolute devotion to one another! Today, Lucky is keeping David’s spirits up with his constant nuzzling and purring. Every day he runs after toys that David tosses up and down the long hallway connected to his room. They entertain one another as the days go by, and David hopes for a brighter future.
With spirits up and funding low once again , David is in desperate need of our help. It would be very sad to give up on David now after he has journeyed so far and overcome so much. His defiance in the face of grave illness is an inspiration to all who know him! Won’t you please consider donating once again to help David fight the good fight??