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Help an Entrepreneur Become a Best Selling Author!

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♦♦This.Is.BIG! BIG! ❗❗❗Special #AHdate! As you are already AHware that I am diligently working on my Upcoming Best Selling book - #DammitExecute. Writing a book is a major AHccomplishment within itself, however, creating a Best Seller is on a whole different level. Let me share a few vital tips that I have come to realize during this process how crucially important it is to master. 
Tip 1: Do not hold NOTHING back. - I am giving away sooooooo much information, stories etc in my book that I believe wholeheartedly the reader will find real, relatable & applicable. 
Tip 2: Write like it is your last. - It is super imperative to me that I stay transparent as well as surrender during my writing process. Hey, let's face it...when others are able to see themselves in your story as well as journey with you, well, this is what clearly separates you from your on the surface writer versus having skin in the game.
Tip 3: ♦Develop a marketing strategy model long before your book launches. - Most Authors fall into this trap. I have seen this happen time and time again. It is not that they are unwilling to create and develop a strong marketing strategy, it is because they are unaware of this crucial & vital step that MUST happen BEFORE they even write their first paragraph for their book. This tip is perhaps one of the most deathly overlooked steps to many upcoming & published authors. TAKE HEED!❗❗❗
In saying this, I am currently building a massive NETWORK of different professionals. I invite those who desire to help share with their circle of influence about my Upcoming Best Selling Book. I understand that creating mutually beneficial relationships is pivotal.

♦♦Are you a Author, Blogger and/or a Digital Influencer that would be open to connecting? If so, I would love to hear from you RIGHT AWAY! Please leave a detailed message here: 

Let me share a little bit about me & what to expect from this Best Seller 

 So, here's the deal. I am thankful to be a Servant Leader who understands the importance of sharing knowledge as well as being a good steward. I inherited & possess proven systems as well as real stories conveying "How To Get Out Of Your Own Way." This book will not only equip YOU, the reader, it will also provide a looking glass into your own life (both personally & professionally). ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
This is what YOU can expect to receive: ✔ A Page Turner, ✔Full Engagement, ✔Breath-taking Journeys, ✔Instant Connections, ✔Mind-Blowing Mysteries, ✔Identifiable Take Aways, and much, much more! This masterpiece will add so much value not only to your life, moreover, significance to others around you. 
This upcoming Best Seller is predicted to not only sell 5 MILLION COPIES world wide, it is also predicted to massively create award winning business solutions by transforming communities both locally & globally. 
♦Although, I have an array of stories that must be told & shared throughout the world - the first book that must make its World Premiere/Debut is: DAMMIT! EXECUTE! 4 Key Principles To Getting Out Of Your Own Way While Optimizing Success.
♦♦If my story has resonated and generated an interest, I invite you to Support a #Speaker, Upcoming #BestSellingAuthor and #WorldChangerby Donating NOW!  If you are not able to donate yourself,**** Help Spread The Word. **** by sharing. Here's how, Simply:
⭐ Share my book campaign link with all of your friends. 
⭐Let your Email, Twitter, and Facebook contacts know about my campaign.
⭐ Share why you are touched, moved & inspired.

Thank you!

Forever staying in transformation,

Anne Humphrey, Upcoming Best Selling Author

#DammitExecute #LetsMakeHistoryTogether#DonateNow #BookProject #AuthorAnneHumphrey


Anne Humphrey
Pompano Beach, FL

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