Aurelio Jr.s Cancer Fund
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Our dad , Aurelio Mendez Jr. (The G.O.A.T), Proud father of 6, was recently diagnosed with Adrenal-cortical Carcinoma cancer in July and is currently at stage 3. We want to set our pride aside and ask for help from friends and family. The family business has been struggling and Aurelio hasn't been able to work as much as he would like to. Maria, our mom, is a stay at home mother and has been back and forth taking him to his appointments in Minneapolis. We are asking for any type of donation and we greatly appreciate any type of help we can get even if its just adding our family into your prayers. We will be holding a silent auction and a mini taco eating contest at Aurelio's benefit on September 29th at Turtle's Bar and Grill in the banquet room in Shakopee at 2pm. Yes, the Bears vs. Vikings game will be on so bring out your gear! All donations will go directly to Aurelio and his family to cover anything associated with his diagnosis (gas, parking, childcare, etc.). If you aren't able to make it but would like to help out, come in to Taco Loco and Come Get Some! If you would like to donate something for the auction, the drop off location is at Taco Loco. You will have to fill out a quick form so that we can keep track of everything. If you have any questions, you can call Taco Loco.
Spendenteam: AurelioStrong (3)
Mendez Family
Shakopee, MN
Audrey Reynosa
Team member
Brianna Nicole
Team member