Aunty Taarabet's family need help with medical costs.
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Assaalmu alaikum wa ratmatulahi wa barakatu
My name is Alexandra (Amina). I am raising funds for a sister and her family who I know personally in Morocco.
The mother, Taarabet, who is around 76 years old and from a small village of Marid near Essaouira.
The mother fell ill at home, she became confused, she has lost some of her memory, she is losing recognition of her family and she has stopped being able to talk and eat. The family took her to hospital where she underwent observations and a series of tests and examinations including blood tests, scans, an ECG. she has now been transferred to Marrakech for further observations and care. The diagnosis is unknown at this stage but alhamdulillah she is now stable with the medical imput and she has regained some speech. Due to her old age they are keeping her in hospital for now.
The government pay towards some of the costs but the cost of the examinations and tests are mounting up. I am awaiting translation of the medical papers for more details but for now I am starting a fund raiser to help this Aunty and her family inshaAllah. The father passed away over 20 years ago.
I hope to raise around £400 to pay for these examinations and to alleviate some of the financial burden for the family for travelling, food, cost of living etc. while looking after their mother.
The family are trying to cover the costs themselves and are mostly working but they earn just 100/150 Dihrams (£10/15) maximum a day, and the cost of living is taking up a lot of their wages so they are struggling.
Some of you helped a member of this family by paying for a much needed operation last year which helped immensely after months of waiting in pain and reduced capacity but trying to earn a living.
During these last days of Ramadan and beyond your help for this family will be greatly received and appreciated, it may even help towards better treatment for the mother.
I will update the medical information ASAP inshaAllah. UPDATE: "The Aunty has Anemia that causes tiredness, weakness and pain in the body, it’s simply means she does not have enough healthy red blood cells in her body. She also suffers from Malnutrition , she unfortunately doesn’t eat food that contains enough protein and iron. Her liver and bones have started to weaken because of that". 8/4/24: she is now home, stable but has weakness and will possibly need further treatment.
Jazakallahu Khairyun for all your help and support.
Alexandra Lewis