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A-POP® - Saving Teen Lives

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Hi, I am Jim Joyner and over my life, I have seen many issues that are affecting our youth. I knew a girl who was my friend in 8th grade art class who was self harming. Today, we are losing teens to fentanyl-laced pills, gang violence, suicide, race hate, bullying and many other causes. Last year we lost 109,200 people just to one cause - drug overdose. Our youth are suffering.

I asked myself “What could be done about it?”

I concluded that the answer is empowering the youth. But how? What will they listen too? What method of education would they accept?

Music! Our teens love music. Teens love to connect, relate and express themselves with music.

So I concluded that if we had the best Top 40 breaking music along with Pop Stars who are role models then our teens could connect and become empowered as they listened to both our music and our Pop Stars.

I have named this brand new genre of music A-POP® which is produced by A-POP Entertainment which I have started.

A-POP® is not just about releasing a new artist or another song but a whole new movement. The heart of the movement is teen empowerment with Teens making a difference in their own lives, the lives of others and the condition of the world.

Our music style is a Top 40 pop sound with musical influences from around the world. Our Stars are between the ages of 13-21 so they can relate to the youth.

Our first release is called “Gone Too Soon” by our first signed artist Zeigh-V (14 yrs old).
The song deals with our youth dying from making what seems on the surface simple choices but in reality, led to an unexpected and sudden end of their life. The current trend ending many teens’ lives is counterfeit pills laced with fentanyl which they are buying off of social media, in school hallways and from trusted friends. The teens dying many times are first timers and are not regular users. We want to get the message out, taking a pill bought outside of a pharmacy setting is the same as playing “Russian roulette “ with your life. The pills are counterfeit and not made to any standard with many of the pills containing a lethal dose of fentanyl.

A-POP® is also about great music and breaking dance moves that allow youth to celebrate their lives and just have fun!

The funds we receive are used to hold talent searches, produce Top 40 music, develop role models, produce a show called A-POP Life®, hold concerts and cover business costs.

I am also the owner and president of Allstar Video Pitching Simulators and I have been pouring my heart and financial resources into A-POP® but the need is greater than I alone.

Once we build out A-POP®, we believe that all future funds past startup will come from our music and we will be self-sufficient.

It is my personal desire to see everyone in the world join this movement and live a great life and leave the world a better place for all.

For the full interview with Tasha Edwards about her daughter Breanna Scott, please watch on YouTube: Breanna Scott

I want to invite you to download and share our newly released song "Gone Too Soon" by our first signed artist Zeigh-V who is 14 years old.

Please visit our website: https://www.apopentertainment.com

Together. We can change the world!


Jim Joyner
Duluth, GA

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