Anya medical and travel expenses
Donation protected
On May 15th I discovered a palpable mass in Anya’s lower abdomen. Over the next week she underwent tests and scans revealing a suspected large subserosal uterine fibroid tumor. It is already filling the majority of her pelvis into her lower abdominal cavity. We were referred to Sanford Women’s in Fargo and then again referred out to Mayo and Children’s Hospital in Minneapolis.
The last 6 weeks have been filled with constant phone calls and emails trying to find a surgeon who is able to give her the best outcome to remove the mass without doing a hysterectomy. We eventually were referred out again to University of Minnesota Fairview and consulted with a Gynecologic Oncologist who is excellent in dealing with risky cases and willing to do the surgery. We leave for Minneapolis next week for 5-6 days with surgery set for July 18th @ M. Health Fairview Masonic Children’s Hospital.
Anya has the kindest heart and is being as brave as she can. She still is dedicated to her dancing with the JHS Sophistikix, her CNA work, and determined to make the most of her Senior year. The surgery will be difficult and recovery will be long but we are blessed with the medical team we have and beyond hopeful the tumor is benign.
We are so thankful for the friends and family we have who have offered their help and support through this journey thus far. It’s tough to plan for something unexpected like this and bills keep adding up. Asking for help is never easy for me but between the traveling, work loss, and medical costs I am getting a little overwhelmed. Please keep Anya in your thoughts over the next few months; many thanks from me and my girls.
Terri Rosemore
Jamestown, ND