Anthony...Tony...was a son, brother, grandson, nephew, cousin that was loved and had many that cared for him. He loved playing the guitar, drums, to sing, play soccer, go to church, and play with his sisters and brother...he was a young man with high hopes, he had big dreams, to become a pilot ...those dreams were cut short that night but we know now that up until his last moment, he knew he was loved. Please help the family with this unexpected, tragic and such painful loss...no parent should have to be prepared for a loss like this. Whatever is in your heart to help this family with, we thank you in advance from the bottom of our heart. May God bless you. **update** Tony’s uncle Jesus Vazquez, together with a few members of the family, took care of funeral arrangements. Since he is in charge of purchasing Tony’a headstone, he has been added as a beneficiary since we will be depositing money to him, so he can go and purchase headstone. Thanks again!