Angel Yang & Cassidy Yang
Donation protected

As decade-long friends of the parents who have witnessed the growth and accomplishments of these two young ladies, we‘ve created this fund to help the family pay for the two funerals. The remaining funds will be used to establish the Angel and Cassidy Foundation. This undergoing foundation will support girls’ and young women’s achievement in science academia, a cause that Angel and Cassidy exemplified. If you would like to donate, just click on the donate button and donate whatever you can.
Angel was born in Oslo, Norway in 1991. When she was 7 months old, she moved to Tokyo with her parents. Later they moved to Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada in 1992 and to Chicago in 1994. After she finished high school in Naperville, IL, she attended MIT and graduated in 4 years with her BS and a double major in Physics and Management Science. Within a year, she got her MS in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research at UC Berkeley and began to work for a consulting firm in New York. Angel had always been loved by her friends and families for her kindness, generosity, and gentle nature.
Cassidy was born in Halifax, Canada and moved to Illinois with her parents and sister Angel when she was two months old. She grew up in Naperville, IL and demonstrated a great talent in math and science from her childhood. Cassidy went to Caltech and graduated in 2016 with a double major in Physics and Business Economics and Management. Then, she went to Princeton University to pursue a PhD in Quantitative and Computational Biology. Cassidy was a lovely and happy child of the family and remembered as a witty, caring, and indispensable girl by her friends. On the last day of her young life, Cassidy donated her organs to eight people who will carry on her dreams in the years to come.
天妒英才,痛失双珠。杨家夫妇,父慈母柔,筚路蓝缕,倾其所有,抚育出一双优秀女儿。安琪开西,孝敬父母, 友爱亲朋,天赋异禀,事业有成,师友为傲,华裔之光。美惠开西, 虽死犹生,捐献器官,解救八人,再获新生。亲朋好友,悲伤至极,痛彻心扉。社会各界,爱心人士,解囊相助,慰亡安亲。我们在此代表杨家夫妇感谢大家伸出慷慨援助之手,以我们的微薄之力,帮助这对白发苍颜的父母早日走出黑暗, 以此藉慰安琪和开西在天之灵。
Organizer and beneficiary
Love AngeCassi
Naperville, IL
Zhongjin Yang