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Dylan's Hope For Healing

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A Hope for Healing - Video by The Bend Bulletin

Here is a recent link from our friends at the Bend Bulletin that have checked in with us now and again and are helping us to share Dylan's story.  Thank you for taking the time to read about Dylan's Journey and we hope he touches your heart as he has ours.

Article in the Bend Bulletin Nov 5, 2015

 As with all news stories, not everything written by the reporter is accurate. Although the article states that a neurologist doesn't agree with the things we have done, he is recommending botox, casting and surgery (for a child he has never seen, and in fact, we have not seen a Neurologist at OHSU as suggested in the article). He suggests these medical procedures over hard work - the time and energy that we will spend exercising with Dylan on the Galileo.  We believe that building Dylan's muscles, helping him with his balance and core strength, and building Dylan up from the inside out, trumps any 'medical', life threatening (botox & surgery) or immobilizing (casting) procedures that the medical profession recommends. Our solution (the Galileo) will take our time and require us and Dylan to work hard on a daily basis (several times a day), but in no way will injure him or threaten his life, and we know the outcome of hard work and strengthening Dylan's muscles, outweighs all other medical procedures. 

Dylan's progress  is proof of that hard work

Dylan walking on the treadmill with assistance

We are Mark and Jinger Cain.  The proud parents of Dylan, a child that was brain injured at birth.  We are here because Dylan needs a new piece of equipment to help him learn to walk independently.  The following is a little about our amazing son, Dylan....

Dylan currently continues to do a whole host of therapies on a daily and/or weekly basis in an effort to help him gain strength, balance and improve his vestibular system.   A few of those therapies are:  he rides horses, sees a physical therapist (who works on his motor skills & stretching), stands in his stander every morning before school, uses a gait trainer both at school and at home, practices walking with his walker, swims, does a daily spinning program (on the astronaut board), a listening program (on the ILS system), a stretching program, sees a chiropractor (Pam Cobbs) for Sacral Occipital Therapy, does Neurofeedback at Bend Counceling and Biofeedback, and hyperbaric oxygen therapy in a soft chamber. He is a trooper who works hard every day and never complains.

Dylan’s strength and stamina have increased but it has become evident that we need find something that will help him with his balance, strength and flexibility.  Through my wife Jinger’s research, we have found a piece of equipment that will help Dylan to improve his balance, strength, flexibility, and coordination.  The piece of equipment is called the Galileo and it is a vibration platform used for exercise training and therapeutic use. It consists of a vibration platform which vibrates sinusoidal side alternating like a see-saw. We also believe that the Galileo could help correct Dylan’s ankles, which have a severe pronation, and also help his hips to form properly. We recently went to see an orthopedic surgeon who believes that if we don’t get Dylan’s ankles, legs and hips corrected through therapy, than our only recourse would be for him to have surgery. Dylan is medically fragile and the risk of having surgery that isn’t life-saving is too large of a risk.   Little guys like Dylan have died after having surgery that their bodies could not handle.

The looming realization of these future surgeries prompted us to act quickly to find other options for Dylan.   In early October 2015 we made a quick trip to Seattle to meet with the founder/ designer, engineer, and US reps, of the Galileo.  It’s very rare that all these people are in one place at the same time, since it is manufactured in Germany which is where the founder is from.  We don't believe it was coincidental that the timing to meet them and get Dylan on a Galileo, on such short notice, worked out so well for all of us.
Dylan got a chance to test out the Galileo and they got a chance to see him using it and give amazing feedback for exercises and which model would work the best.  They have 6 different models but all use the same basic concept for exercise.  We were very encouraged with the possibilities that the Galileo could do for Dylan and he is excited about getting the chance to use one, this is definitely the most excited he has ever been for a piece of therapy equipment, and he has asked many times for us to get him one.  In fact, when recently asked what he wanted us to say for his night time prayers, he said "Pray for Dylan", and when asked what he wanted us to pray for, he said "the Galileo".  Over the years, we have learned that Dylan innately knows what his body needs.

Our families long term vision is to open a non-profit therapy center for children like Dylan.   This equipment will be able to be used in that center.

We are hoping to raise enough with this campaign to purchase the Galileo ($8,500) and the tilt table ($11,000).  The tilt table would allow us to work with Dylan, and others, while the children maintain the correct form during the exercises.    Any funds raised beyond what is needed for the Galileo and Tilt Table will be put into a fund for the opening of a therapy center.

It is our goal to have the Galileo here before Thanksgiving break, as we need to get Dylan on it several times a day to get his body used to it and help improve his stamina.

If you are intrigued and want to see more about how the Galileo can help Dylan, and how it helped a young man learn to walk again after an spinal cord injury, see this youtube video:

Max is a Tetraplegic and Walking 

Your donation, however small or large, will change a little boys life.   Your prayers are most appreciated as we embark on a journey to help Dylan with daily therapy (several times a day) and the ability to heal him from the inside out without the use of botox, casting, or life threatening surgery.  We know that many people can't donate, but please feel free to share this link with others.  We are eternally grateful for your prayers and positive thoughts and for sharing Dylan's Journey with other families that may gain hope for their own children through Dylan's story.

Thank you!

Mark Cain
Jinger Cain
Dylan Cain (aka "tigger")


Dylan's Journey has been one of incredible blessings to us and many other people.  He is the greatest gift in my life.  But, it has not been without struggles.  The ongoing expenses of having a child like Dylan that needs 24x7 assistance with everything takes a physical and financial toll on a families like ours.   In Dylan's early years, I buried our family financially with health insurance premiums, and huge copays to get Dylan the help he needed.  We traveled coast to coast and did multiple 'alternative' therapies that were not recommended or simply recognized by the medical professionals (IAHP, Feldenkrais, PT, OT, Anat Baniel, HANDLE, Cord Blood Stem Cell Infusion at Duke, Neurofeedback, ILS - Integrated Listing System, Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatments --120 of them, etc, etc, etc...).  I took a 2nd mortgage on our house and buried us in credit card debt.  I have NO regrets, but do realize that I cannot continue to fund Dylan's equipment needs on our own.  We are still working to get the past expenses for Dylan paid down. 

Although neurologists like to think that children with CP improve on their own, we were told that Dylan would NOT likely sit up on his own, walk, or possibly never talk.  The doctor that gave us that diagnosis was actually right! -- had we not decided to do everything we could for our son.   Do we know what therapy did the most for him?  No, we don't and I don't need to know (but.. in case your curious, we know that his cord blood stem cells and hyperbaric oxygen top the list).   Every therapy has helped in some way, some more than others, but they have ALL been worth the time and money.  Because of the AMAZING PROGRESS that Dylan has made, beyond ALL doctor's expectations, we know we are on the right path. 

... do you believe in prayer?  Dylan does!
Every night before Dylan goes to sleep, he says his prayers.  When asked what he wants to pray for, he chooses someone that we have told Dylan about that needs prayers.  He prays for them.  "Dear Jesus, will you help (Al, Nicole, Jeff, April, Grandma, Grandpa, Dave,...) to feel better and be healthy and heal soon.  Thank you Jesus, Amen."   He has recently started asking "Pray for Dylan".  We ask, "what do you want us to pray for", he says "the Galileo".   He use to say "for Dylan to walk", but the Galileo seems to have replaced that request as he has been on one and knows how it will help him.

Please join us on Dylan's Journey of Hope and helping Dylan to walk...



  • Ruth Peake
    • $50
    • 9 yrs
  • Bend Elks Lodge #1371
    • $5 000 (Offline)
    • 9 yrs
  • Anonymous
    • $20 (Offline)
    • 9 yrs
  • Thomas & Margaret Gunn
    • $100 (Offline)
    • 9 yrs
  • Debbie Cormalis-Debons
    • $10 (Offline)
    • 9 yrs


Jinger Raeleen Cain
Bend, OR

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