Hauptbild der Spendenaktion

Alisha Lowen & Femi Brown

Spende geschützt
Alisha is a friend who moved from TX and into her boyfriend's family home after her father died.  A gas explosion which occurred early on Nov 11 killed her boyfriend, Femi Brown, and injured his younger sister critically (as well as 13 others). 

Femi's body landed on Alisha during the explosion possibly saving her life.  Alisha is in the hospital now with spinal cord injuries and was a few weeks pregnant.

Alisha and the Brown family have lost everything.  We are trying to raise money to help pay for Femi's funeral as well as get their life back together.

Anything you can spare will be greatly appreciated by the Brown family and Alisha during what will be a tough holiday season for them.

Thank you for your generosity and prayers.


  • Anonym
    • $25
    • 7 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Michele Emlet Cmsky
West Orange, NJ
Alisha Lowen

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