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Alex's Challenge

Spende geschützt
Alex & Jen went to Thailand as a celebration, a long, well-deserved vacation. When they arrived, Alex started to experience migraines and wasn't feeling well.  When Alex went to the hospital, and full medical assessment was done, it was discovered that he had a malignant tumor (cancerous) in his brain.  

The couple was distraught, to be in a foreign country and to receive such debilitating news was heartbreaking and scary. 

Days passed, and answers came, but not without a blow. Their insurance claim was canceled because of a flu Alex had and they deemed it a pre-existing condition. 

An air-ambulance to Toronto alone costs $265,000 not including any other expenses that are coming with this diagnosis. 

Let's get Alex & Jen back home, into surgery, and get this money raised.


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    • $20 
    • 4 yrs

Spendenteam (4)

Sharilyn West
Gladeside, NB
Jennifer Witmer
Denise Aubey
Team member
Coral Beaton
Team member
Kaitlyn Connell
Team member

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