Fight for Alex’s Life: new Medical Hope!
Donation protected
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Alex is an 11-year old boy with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, that is slowly breaking down his muscles.
There is no cure, life expectancy is limited and the disease is 100% fatal.
A few years ago, Alex could do everything other boys could do - walk, run, climb. But he lost the ability to do those things, and today he uses a wheelchair full-time. He can’t walk anymore, nor stand anymore.
Soon he may be unable to feed himself or even breathe without a respiration aid.
Until his heart gives up
Now there is hope!
A potentially life-saving treatment is available which may slow down or even reverse the effects of Duchenne. This drug is FDA-approved and is truly revolutionary for a child like Alex who still has so much life to live!
Because his health is declining so quickly, we are in a race against time. Alex needs access to the drug as soon as possible to help slow the disease.
Unfortunately, the treatment is very expensive, and health insurance companies refuse to cover the cost.
My name is Ariane and Alex is my nephew. I have seen his parents, Lousin and Nicolas, move countries and move mountains, go everywhere in the world to try to help him. This treatment is their last hope.
This is why I am calling on you to help me raise the money for the treatment that may save Alex’s life.
Thank you very much!
Mon neveu Alex est un garçon atteint de la myopathie de Duchenne, une maladie qui détruit lentement ses muscles.
Il n'existe malheureusement aucun traitement curatif : l'espérance de vie est limitée et la maladie fatake à 100 %.
A tout juste 11 ans, Alex est en fauteuil roulant et ne peut plus marcher ni se tenir debout.
Une lueur d’espoir existe tout de même : un traitement pourrait ralentir la maladie et pourquoi pas changer l’issue fatale. Ce traitement, expérimental et approuvé par la FDA (Food and Drug Administration) aux Etats-Unis, serait une opportunité unique pour Alex.
Le traitement est très cher et les compagnies d'assurance maladie refusent d'en couvrir le coût. C’est pourquoi, je fais appel à votre générosité, celle de vos proches et de votre entourage pour aider mon neveu et ses parents Lousin et Nicolas qui se battent avec courage à ses côtés pour tenter de gagner la course contre la montre.
Mille merci pour lui!
Alex is an 11-year old boy with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, that is slowly breaking down his muscles.
There is no cure, life expectancy is limited and the disease is 100% fatal.
A few years ago, Alex could do everything other boys could do - walk, run, climb. But he lost the ability to do those things, and today he uses a wheelchair full-time. He can’t walk anymore, nor stand anymore.
Soon he may be unable to feed himself or even breathe without a respiration aid.
Until his heart gives up
Now there is hope!
A potentially life-saving treatment is available which may slow down or even reverse the effects of Duchenne. This drug is FDA-approved and is truly revolutionary for a child like Alex who still has so much life to live!
Because his health is declining so quickly, we are in a race against time. Alex needs access to the drug as soon as possible to help slow the disease.
Unfortunately, the treatment is very expensive, and health insurance companies refuse to cover the cost.
My name is Ariane and Alex is my nephew. I have seen his parents, Lousin and Nicolas, move countries and move mountains, go everywhere in the world to try to help him. This treatment is their last hope.
This is why I am calling on you to help me raise the money for the treatment that may save Alex’s life.
Thank you very much!
Mon neveu Alex est un garçon atteint de la myopathie de Duchenne, une maladie qui détruit lentement ses muscles.
Il n'existe malheureusement aucun traitement curatif : l'espérance de vie est limitée et la maladie fatake à 100 %.
A tout juste 11 ans, Alex est en fauteuil roulant et ne peut plus marcher ni se tenir debout.
Une lueur d’espoir existe tout de même : un traitement pourrait ralentir la maladie et pourquoi pas changer l’issue fatale. Ce traitement, expérimental et approuvé par la FDA (Food and Drug Administration) aux Etats-Unis, serait une opportunité unique pour Alex.
Le traitement est très cher et les compagnies d'assurance maladie refusent d'en couvrir le coût. C’est pourquoi, je fais appel à votre générosité, celle de vos proches et de votre entourage pour aider mon neveu et ses parents Lousin et Nicolas qui se battent avec courage à ses côtés pour tenter de gagner la course contre la montre.
Mille merci pour lui!
Organizer and beneficiary
Ariane Ioannides
Meudon, A8
Alex I