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Aidans Muscular Dystrophy Treatment

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On March 3rd 2008, at the age of 3, Aidan was diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. The doctors informed his parents that sometime around the age of 10 Aidan would lose his ability to walk. The disease would progress from there, ultimately taking his life by his late teens to early twenties.

In December of 2015 Aidan lost his ability to stand or walk.
In January of 2016 Aidan lost his ability to sit himself up in bed or even roll over.

In August of 2016, in a chance meeting, Aidan’s mom met Dr. Asher Milgrom. The topic came up that her son was handicapped. Upon further discussion it became evident that his meeting was not by chance. Dr. Milgrom and his wife Alice Pien MD have been involved in the research of Stem Cell therapy and its use in the treatment of such diseases as Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.

We are raising money to purchase the stem cells needed to treat Aidan’s Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. All money raised will go directly to this. Everyone else involved, the facility, the doctors, nurses and supporting staff, are all donating their time and resources. Any money raised over and beyond what is needed to treat Aidan will go towards treating another boy suffering from Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.

To meet another young man who is experiencing the life saving results of Stem Cell Therapy, please visit…

You can also learn more about Aidan and follow his progress on his Facebook page…

Thank you and God bless!
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  • Darlene Dickens
    • 100 $ 
    • 7 ans
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Organisateur et bénéficiaire

James Mutter
Irvine, CA
AIMS Foundation

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