AED Fundraiser for RMCA
Tax deductible
On August 29th Hendo's Hope donated an AED Kit to Reynolds Mountain Christian Academy (valued at over $1,450). Hendo's Hope, in partnership with RMCA, is seeking additional funds to purchase at least one additional AED for the RMCA campus.
Our goal is a minimum of $1,450.00 for one more additional AED Kit.
We pray we never need to use an Automated External Defibrillator (AED), but we want to be prepared for all emergencies on campus to keep our students and staff safe!
"Prayer, CPR, and an AED saved my life."
- Henderson Lentz, Hendo's Hope Founder & Teenage Cardiac Arrest Survivor
About Hendo's Hope:
Hendo's Hope began in 2015 after 16-year-old Henderson Lentz suffered cardiac arrest while playing basketball. He was successfully revived by bystander CPR and the use of an AED. He is now 24 years old and continues to share his #justkeepdribbling story and the importance of CPR and AED use whenever given the opportunity. Hendo's Hope is an outreach ministry of Greg Lentz Ministries and Hearts with Hands.
About Reynolds Mountain Christian Academy:
RMCA seeks to glorify Jesus Christ by partnering with parents in educating students to lead our community and fulfill the Great Commission. At RMCA, they want every student equipped with all the tools necessary to lead a life of significance and be a positive force in the world for the rest of their life.
Greg Lentz Ministries