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Nicaragua, the Sequel

Donación protegida
Philanthropy is in my blood; I am at my best when helping people. I am fortunate to work for a company that gives back. After going to Nicaragua in January, Zurvita started the non-profit, Zurvita Ministries. Since then, we launched the Feed500 campaign, which feeds hundreds of people in various cities across the country. Zurvita Ministries wants to give people the things that we take for granted daily, like food and water. We are trying to be the change.
We love people...its really that simple!
Can you imagine getting up each morning and not having water in your home? These amazing people have been living this way their entire lives...without any complaining. They walk miles and miles to get water that will only last a short while. They create filters with water jugs & chlorine to have water when they cannot make it to the well. Close your eyes and imagine that for a moment. It's mind-blowing! 
I remember thinking how much of a difference we were going to make in those people's lives last time I went. What I didn't expect was to be humbly knocked to my knees or to experience personal growth the likes of which I had never seen before. And that was while being horribly sick the entire trip! I can't even begin to imagine the amazing journey my life will be blessed with by being invited back for this trip. I am blessed. 
Zurvita Ministries covers the entire cost of the well drilling, but the laborers must raise the funds to get there in order to help make this water dream a reality. Please help me get back to Nicaragua to make these incredible people's dreams come true.

Thank you soooo much!


  • nvision inc
    • $600
    • 10 yrs
  • Anónimo
    • $100 (Offline)
    • 10 yrs


Adriel Joy Thurston
Houston, TX

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