Foto principal de la recaudación de fondos


ACTs of GREEN is a Social media event that will utilize the followers, friends and families of over 200 UNSA members in order to focus on issues facing our planet which are vast and often overwhelming.
For this Earth Day, International, award winning sugar and pastry artists have volunteered their time, talent and materials to create edible showpieces in the hope of raising awareness for the importance of Reduce, Reuse, Recyle and donations for National Geographic Society.

When you donate here you will receive a seperate email within 24 hours confirming your numbers. Winners will be drawn and announced on May 30th. Via email and on our Facebook page  ACTs of GREEN 

By supporting National Geographic Society we are giving to an organization that has made a tangible effort to not only help reverse the damage that has been done to the planet and it’s people through it’s Conservation Trust but also educate future generations to the importance of our planets preservation through funding the Young Explorers Programs and multiple Expedition Grants.

"National Geographic Society is a nonprofit organization driven by the belief in the power of science, exploration, and storytelling to change the world. We rely on the generosity of individuals like YOU to help us push the boundaries of knowledge through our work in conservation, discovery, education, and cultural preservation.-National Geographic Society


Zawadi Parizek
Chicago, IL

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