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ACA Signups

Donativo protegido
In 2013, when neither the government nor the mainstream media provided consistent, reliable reporting of enrollment data for the Affordable Care Act, I launched  as a hobby, using crowdsourcing to track enrollments in real time:

My work soon caught the attention of major media outlets, and has been cited and used as a resource ever since by media outlets spanning the ideological spectrum including the Washington Post, Forbes, Bloomberg News,, MSNBC, the New Republic, USA Today and The New York Times among others, as well as prominent medical journals such as the New England Journal of Medicine and The Lancet.

Since launching this project,  I've expanded my analysis to include the impact of the ACA's Medicaid Expansion, SHOP exchange, BHP provision and a variety of other Obamacare-related programs.

I've also expanded into tracking things like off-exchange individual market enrollment, annual premium rate change averages and a wide range of healthcare policy/health insurance-related issues, including the pros and cons of moving towards single-payer healthcare, the "public option", lowering the Medicare eligibility age, and so on.

It should be noted, however, that aside from one occasional freelance piece exception, none of the media outlets above actually *pays* me for my work. I do have a few banner ads on my site, but the revenue from these only covers a portion of the extensive time and effort which goes into maintaining it. Donations are tremendously appreciated. Until now I've utilized a simple PayPal button on the site itself, but I've decided to give GoFundMe a shot to see how that works out.

If you'd prefer to make a recurring donation (starting at $1/month), feel free to do so via my Patreon account.

Thanks again for your support!


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En esta campaña se menciona hacer donativos a través de otra plataforma, pero recuerda que solo los donativos realizados en GoFundMe están protegidos por la Garantía de GoFundMe.


Charles Gaba
Bloomfield Hills, MI

Un sitio fácil, eficaz y de confianza donde encontrar ayuda

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