Help bring Angel back home
Donation protected
Cuando perdemos a una persona especial en nuestras vidas, no solo lidiamos con el dolor de no tenerlos aquí en la tierra con nosotros, sino también con el grandes costos de las facturas médicas y los arreglos del funeral. Hoy perdimos a Angel Rodriguez. El era una persona especial para muchos de nosotros. Deja una esposa de 55 años en matrimonio y 7 hijos. Angel y su esposa vinieron de Colombia a los Estados Unidos para visitar a sus hijos durante el verano. Desafortunadamente, Angel y su familia nunca esperaron que se enfermara durante su viaje y nunca regresara a casa. Angel sufrió un ataque al corazón que lo dejó en el hospital durante dos semanas. Angel sufrió daño cerebral severo y desafortunadamente no pudo recuperarse. Su familia está desconsolada y tratando de recuperarse por la inesperada pérdida. Lo que pensaron que iba a ser una reunión familiar especial terminó como una trágica pérdida familiar. Pedimos a todos los que conocen a sus hijos Jhon Rodriguez, Luis Angel Rodriguez, su hija Melida Rodriguez, o cualquier otra persona de su familia que compartan y nos ayuden a recaudar el dinero que necesitan para enviar su cuerpo de regreso a casa con su amada esposa. El objetivo es recaudar $ 15,000 para ayudar a pagar los gastos médicos de las dos semanas de hospitalización de Angel y enviar su cuerpo de regreso a Colombia, donde podra descansar en paz. Cualquier donación va a ser muy apreciada por toda la familia y amigos cercanos de Angel. Por favor comparte este enlace. Gracias
When we lose a special person in our lives we not only deal with the pain of not having them here on earth with us but yet with the expensive cost of medical bills and funeral arrangements. Today we lost Angel Rodriguez. He was a special person to many of us. He leaves behind a wife of 55 years in marriage and 7 children. Angel and his wife came from Colombia to the US to visit their children for the summer. Unfortunately Angel and his family never expected him to get sick during his trip and never make it back home. Angel suffered a heart attack that left him in the hospital for two weeks. Angel suffered severe brain damage and unfortunately was unable to recover. His family is heartbroken and taken back by the unexpected loss. What they thought was going to be a special family reunion ended as a tragic family loss. We ask everybody who knows his sons Jhon Rodriguez, Luis Angel Rodriguez, his daughter Melida Rodriguez, or anyone else in his family to please share and help us raise the money they need to send his body back home with his beloved wife. The goal is to raise $15,000 in order to help pay for the medical expenses of Angel's two week hospital stay and to send his body back to Colombia where he may be laid to rest in peace. Any donations would be appreciated. Please share this link. Thanks
When we lose a special person in our lives we not only deal with the pain of not having them here on earth with us but yet with the expensive cost of medical bills and funeral arrangements. Today we lost Angel Rodriguez. He was a special person to many of us. He leaves behind a wife of 55 years in marriage and 7 children. Angel and his wife came from Colombia to the US to visit their children for the summer. Unfortunately Angel and his family never expected him to get sick during his trip and never make it back home. Angel suffered a heart attack that left him in the hospital for two weeks. Angel suffered severe brain damage and unfortunately was unable to recover. His family is heartbroken and taken back by the unexpected loss. What they thought was going to be a special family reunion ended as a tragic family loss. We ask everybody who knows his sons Jhon Rodriguez, Luis Angel Rodriguez, his daughter Melida Rodriguez, or anyone else in his family to please share and help us raise the money they need to send his body back home with his beloved wife. The goal is to raise $15,000 in order to help pay for the medical expenses of Angel's two week hospital stay and to send his body back to Colombia where he may be laid to rest in peace. Any donations would be appreciated. Please share this link. Thanks
Carolina Cruz
Burtonsville, MD