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A loss of a child.....

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This is for my son Kael and his wife Cassandra. On May 29th they lost their baby boy Dimitri. He was so beautiful and angelic. She was only 24 weeks pregnant and was so unexpected. Everything has been so fast and shocking and sad. They have not only lost their baby but will be losing their apartment and maybe car.

They will be moving in with us since only my son is working at the time and she has a long road to recovery.  The money will go unto helping them get their life together again after this horrible tragedy.

Please a little goes a long way, no matter the amount it will help tremendously. I will make sure it will be paid forward, I promise.. Thank you so much...


  • Hazel Sharp
    • $50
    • 7 yrs


Toby Langley
Mt. Dora, FL

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