More Than a Liver
Donation protected

I donated part of my liver to an 11 year old stranger. His family has $20,000+ in medical bills. Help me help them more!
My story: In August 2018 I signed up to donate to a stranger through UCHealth, Colorado. I was found to be a perfect match for an 11 year old boy who’s liver was failing. Our surgeries were both very successful and his new liver is functioning exceptionally well! I am all healed and I feel great. A picture below is one my surgeon took of my liver in my abdomen as they were separating the lobes.
In March 2019 I recieved a letter of thanks from my recipient (Card above with his picture blurred for his privacy). He’s such a sweet kid! I later learned he has a rare genetic condition that effects his liver and causes other medical issues. He is a strong kid and has endured so much already. I heard their out-of-pocket cost for our liver transplant alone was nearly $20,000. Their family has enough to worry about. He is now healthier, so there’s one burden relieved, but the burden of financial expense is scary too. Help me help this special family by covering some of their medical costs. No parents should have to watch their child’s organs fail. No parents should be financially strained because they made the right choice for their child.
The cost of my surgery was covered by their insurance. All raised money will go directly to his family to help with their current and future out-of-pocket medical expenses for this strong kid.
I have not yet met them but will give them the money when we meet or will get the money to them through our hospitals.
Thanks for your help!

Karo Maro
Longmont, CO