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A Home for Osiris

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I am a single mother raising a developmentally disabled young adult, who is 23, his name is Osiris. He is a kind, compassionate, happy, young man, but is prone to outburts when he gets frustrated. He is struggling to be more independent, but can’t find a job, doesn’t understand the concept of time or money, and needs daily support to function. He won’t ever be able to live completely on his own.

I work full time as his guardian and caregiver, as well as running my own business and working another part time job. We get very little financial support from our family. They do help in every way they can. 
 His father is deceased, and his side of the family is not involved.
We have enough money to make ends meet, but not enough to have any significant savings. I rent my home.  I’ve been trying to make my dream of owning a home come true, but it’s seems farther and farther away every year. My dream was to buy a home that has a mother in law unit or something that could be transformed into a home for Osiris, at some point. I haven’t given up on the dream, but our needs for a home for Osiris so that he feels more independence, are urgent. We’ve looked at the group homes he is eligible for in our area, and they are not the solution.

 My brilliant solution is to purchase a trailer, which is mobile, and can be parked wherever we live, that serves as his own space. We both have needs for privacy that our 1,000 square foot rental fails to fill. The trailer will resolve this for us.  He will have his own space, and I will still be able to look after him.  This fundraiser is in hopes of contributions towards that dream. Every little bit helps. 
Thank you for your consideration!


  • Elena Gilkey
    • $500
    • 5 yrs


Mileen DeRush
Olympia, WA

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