A friend needs help getting a kidney
Michelle was diagnosed with juvenile diabetes. She worked closely with her doctor and eventually her endocrinologist to keep her in the best health possible. Michelle has been diagnosed with high blood pressure, rheumatoid arthritis, has beat thyroid cancer and being hit by a car. Through all of this she lost her job as a social worker because they thought she was a “risk”. She has had a few jobs as a care taker but unable to find a full time job due to her declining health.
After surviving cancer, her body started showing signs of someone who had been diabetic for many years and she never fully recovered from injuries from the car accident. She has gone through multiple surgeries on her eyes to fix retinas which have not only worsened her eyesight but any procedure that is done runs the risk of causing her kidney function to decrease a little more. Her team is planning onstarting dialysis soon but this causes worry for her because she will have to find transportation there and back each day since she can no longer afford a car without working.
Michelle has been put on the kidney transplant list but has been unable to find a friend or family that matches. Many of her friends and family are diabetic or have other health concerns which makes them unable to donate. Unfortunately, as she finished all the testing to get clearance for a kidney, the dentist informed her that she has 2 broken teeth and until those are fixed her status is ON HOLD! She needs approximately $1200-$1500 to get those fixed before she can become active again. Hopefully, nothing else goes wrong during that time. The extra money raised is for transportation costs.