Unfortunately my family experienced a untimely loss of my Auntie Delores Manns and in less than a month her Beloved Son Wali Jalil her baby boy, my first Cousin was murder in cold blood. My Aunties three Son’s Kamil, Hassan and Wali were responsible for all of the financial duties to give their Mother a lovely going home ceremony, now we’re all in crisis and we need as much help as possible to give my Cousin a proper going home ceremony. I ask of you to please, if you can help us to do so, the lost of Wali is so unexpected. On the behalf of my family we thank you in advance for your contributions! My Mother Sharon Richards the Auntie of Wali Jalil would like to thank everyone for their contribution she is the beneficiary and she is extreme thankful for support and unity it took to give our Beloved Wali a beautiful home going service.
May the Mercy of the Lord be with you all!!