Our fellow clando, NakdAndFamou5, needs our help
Smash here, with a message from team Echo for all of you:
One of the members of the Legion, and a member of Echo, has had a recent tragedy. NakdAndFamou5 is one of us, and he just lost everything he owns in an apartment fire.
Times are tough for everyone these days, but take a minute to try and imagine what it would be like watching all your possessions burn. He didn't ask anyone to do this for him, but he also didn't ask for the fire. Echo came up with this idea to help him without his knowledge. Anything we can do to help him is a worthwhile effort.
I know this kind of thing wasn't mentioned when you signed up, and it's not like it's a new clan requirement, but sometimes we need to be more than a bunch of nerds in a chatroom. Let's come together and show our fellow clando some support. He's one of us and let's make sure he knows that.