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Sadaqah on behalf of Asim Khan

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Inna ilillahi wa inna ilayji raji'un. 
''Indeed we belong to Allah and to Him we shall return''.

Asalaamu Alaykum.
My name is Adem Abdi,  Asim Khan was a friend and relative through marriage.
He tragically passed away in July 2019 at the young age of 21. Anyone who knew Asim
loved and cherished him. 

This will be the first Ramdan without him and for that reason we ask for support in raising money on his behalf to
donate as sadaqah. The initial fundraising was to build a water well, however, money has already been raised within the community for Asim, therefore we will now be donating towards the Yemen Crisis Appeal through Ummah Welfare Trust.

100% of what is donated will be given as Sadaqah under Asim Khans' name.

May Allah (swt) widen his grave, accept our charity on his behalf and reunite us in Jannah.

May you all have a beautiful and blessed Ramadhan, stay safe and make dua for Asim, his family and his friends in shaa Allah 

Thank you for the support.

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

A Abdi
Fahema Abdi

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt