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Sarib's volunteer trip

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Subject to severe human rights abuses and fleeing persecution in Myanmar, enormous numbers of Rohingya people are flooding Cox's Bazar's refugee camps with nothing but the clothes on their back. 

I on the other hand have been blessed with many luxuries and it is time I rolled up my sleeves to give the poor and needy a helping hand. Your support will help fund my travel, accomodation and other expenses related to my trip as I embark on this journey. Your donations will also be used to buy clothing and other such neccessities from Bangladesh to help the refugees.

Please help me get out of my comfort zone and get to Cox's Bazar to make whatever change my smalls hands can make. 

Much appreciated, 


  • Sadiqa Baig
    • $50
    • 7 yrs


Sarib Hussain
Epping, NSW

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