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Orphanage work in Kenya!

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 Hello! My name is Nicole and my sister's name is Samantha. We are twin sisters from Staten Island, NY and are pursuing our degrees in Finance at The University of Tampa. We are both proud members of the Delta Sigma Pi Business Fraternity.


Samantha and I share a passion for helping others and have created this page to help fund our four-week trip to Kenya. Through the help of IVHQ, International Volunteer Headquarters, we will be participating in the Kenyan orphanage program in May 2013. It has always been a dream of ours to make a difference in the lives of children in need. This trip will allow us to hopefully fulfill our passion of working with children, by providing them with the love and care each of them deserves.


We feel this opportunity to travel to Kenya will not only benefit those children we help but also better ourselves. In an area of the world where children suffer and struggle everyday, we believe it is never too late for these children to have a happy childhood; please help us give these children a chance at the childhood they deserve. All the money we raise will go towards our airfare expenses and program fees. Remaining funds will be donated directly to the orphanage we are placed in.


If given this opportunity to travel to Kenya, we will do our part to make a difference and inspire those less fortunate. We believe that nothing is more powerful then the embrace of a child for they know no difference in the life they lead in poverty and the life of which they truly ought to have.


We thank you for both your donation and time; for every donation, regardless of the amount, you make it possible for our dreams to become our reality.

Thank You

Warmest regards,

Samantha and Nicole Taranto


If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us by phone (718) 916-1949 or email: [adresse e-mail supprimée].edu

[adresse e-mail supprimée].edu

Faire un don


  • Daniel Kane
    • $100
    • 11 yrs
  • James Taranto
    • $1,100 (don hors ligne)
    • 12 yrs
Faire un don


Nicole Taranto
Staten Island, NY

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