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Support Abdullah's family to get out Gaza war

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Hello my name Nour, I’m fundraising on behalf of my family due to GoFundMe’s restrictions not allowing them to post their story.

My family who are facing unimaginable challenges in the besieged Gaza strip, On the 9th of October their home was destroyed by the non-stop bombardment the Gaza strip had faced, So they’ve spent 4 months of moving place to place trying to find shelter, But unfortunately NO PLACE in the gaza strip is safe from the bombings, Until they were forced to move to the last place there is which is Rafah, But some days ago Rafah was under heavy bombings that killed over 100 people in a flinch of an eye, And it’s sad to say but that could’ve been my family, My family consists mostly of elderly and kids who absolutely CAN NOT withstand what’s happening right now, as they have a lot of medical conditions without any medicine to help them with said medical conditions, And not to forget the psychological effects this bloody war had on the children.

The family consists:
  • My mother, Suhaila, is 62 years old. She suffers from chronic diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes, asthma, and arthritis. Due to her poor condition and the lack of appropriate treatment, she is now in a wheelchair, She can not move well and needs someone to care for her, and there is no treatment or medication she needs in Gaza

  • My father, Majed, 72 years old, suffers from digestive diseases when he has 20 years, he's needs a diet and medication, which are not available now in Gaza. His health condition is deteriorating every day.

  • My brother Abdullah, 23 years old, graduated in 2023 with a diploma in interior design. He was planning to start his own business, but the war destroyed his dreams, which had not yet begun.

  • My brother Muhammad, 36 years old, is married and has 4 children. Before the Gaza war, he worked in a blacksmith’s workshop and had a future to open his own workshop, but the dream did not come true. His wife, May 29 years, she gave birth to her son Ahmed in December 2023, who is now two months old, son Majed, who is 6 years old. Ilin, 5 years old, Alen, 3 years old.

Baby Ahmad he born on December under the Gaza war

The only safe place is Egypt which you can only enter via the Rafah crossing, And that costs a measly 5000 to 7000 USD for a single adult to enter and 2500 USD for Kids (Under 16), So i’ve decided to start this fundraiser in order to help them collect this big sum of money.

  • How funds will be used

Estimated Expense to Enter Rafah:

$45,000 USD
5 adults: 5000 to 7000 x 6 = $35,000 USD
4 children: 2500 x 4 = $10,000 USD

My family have endured all kinds of suffering and struggles, The situation in Gaza is uncertain, dangerous and terrifying especially with the ongoing tensions growing in Rafah Governorate, Your support no matter the amount helps sheltering and rebuilding their hopes and dreams for a better life and more important, a much secure life.

Please donate and share this campaign with your connections, Words cannot explain how grateful i am for the support, Thank for everything.

I could use your help reaching my fundraising goal. Every single share and donation makes a difference.

With all my gratitude,


  • Amanda Wallace
    • 20 $ 
    • 13 Std
  • Anonym
    • 10 $ 
    • 5 T
  • Leighton Ackles
    • 30 $ 
    • 5 T
  • Anonym
    • 20 $ 
    • 9 T
  • Gabe Fonseca
    • 930 $ 
    • 12 T


Nour Noor
Mississauga, ON

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