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Support Kelly's Medical Fund!

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URGENT! To whom this may reach you are a part of our village and we are planting a seed in the hopes that you can reach out to others who may be able to HELP Kelly Geissler(Davis) in this time of need! Unfortunately, due to a serious medical condition, she has been unable to consistently work and not working means no money to pay rent, utilities, child support, medical bills, etc. She is now in the process of a possible eviction and was served eviction papers.

She was recently sent to the emergency room twice in one week and admitted into hospital both times and received 5 blood transfusions, 1 iron infusion, numerous IV's etc. She was released from the hospital in order to rebuild her hematocrit level before they can perform the necessary surgery. If level drops again the doctor said that she could go into cardiac arrest or die. She is supposed to be resting to build up strength to survive surgery but attempted to go back to work due to rent, bills, etc. Once her hematocrit reaches a safe, stable level she will NEED surgery. The goal is to be able to perform surgery as soon as possible! Due to this ongoing medical condition she has already exhausted  her retirement fund due  and with a six week medical leave looming, I don't see how she can make ends meet and fear she will become homeless.

Kelly has been a great mother to her two beautiful daughters, works hard, friend to many, always willing to help others and has played an active role in our community! If you have the capacity to help her in this time of need please find it in your heart to do so!



Kim Von Wald & Gretchen Weiher


  • Jody Shersty
    • 40 $ 
    • 7 Jahre


Kelly Geissler
Seattle, WA

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