Steven Shereda's Medical Fund
Donation protected
Dear Potential Supporters,
“God Will Never Give You More Than You Can Handle.”
I’m Sorry I can’t handle all this by myself anymore; I really could use some Help Now with these Medical and Financial Emergency’s. Here’s my story; Because of chronic sinus infections and polyps blocking air flow I had endoscopic sinus surgery July 2012. After biopsy some were benign but also found rare "Inverted Papilloma Tumor" aggressive growing exophytically (outwardly projecting) that has high re-occurrence rate and has 5-15% also a chance to turn malignant (cancer). So at the time that surgeon wanted to schedule another surgery (lateral rhinotomy medial maxillectomy) and make an incision from corner of my eye to the middle of my lip, de-glove my facial skin, cut a hole in the check bone and cut the lower Tumor out, then cut hole in skull between my eyes and remove the upper tumor. Put a small plastic tube in for a new tear duct, sew me back up, after healing, pull tube out. That really scared the life out of me, (even more when I googled Images!). So after my second opinion from a new surgeon 2014, underwent a CAT scan then a MRI, received MRI results in the mail, cover letter stated that I have a "Very Large Tumor” one the size of the whole left Maxillary Sinus and one invading the majority of left upper sinus wedged between my eye and my brain. Been a nervous wreck since! It’s not growing into my upper eye orbit or brain yet is really good news, new surgeon was going to try endoscopic removal but still might have to make an incision just above eye brow and a key hole thru scull to access Upper Sinus. If they can’t get the larger growth endoscopicly then might have to make an incision inside of the mouth saw key hole thru check bone there also removing part of sinus walls. If papilloma is growing into orbit bone might have to remove part of that too, (7 thin bones puzzled together make up the eye orbit). I wanted to get this done ASAP before it gets worse and I run out of money. This Surgeon then sent me back to primary doctor for a surgical release. Blood tests were little off and EKG came back irregular, so had to get a Stress / Echo-Cardiogram Test which results were good. When I came back for my next appointment to schedule surgery, she told me that she had accepted a job out of state and now would not be able to perform my surgery and gave me a list of 5 different surgeons she would recommend, this ended up delaying my surgery another 3 months. After I made an appointment with a surgeon from University of Michigan I was pleased with his knowledge and was more confident he could remove most growths endoscopicly but would most likely need another surgery in future. Sent me for a stealth CAT scan 10-25-2014, Pre-Op Testing on 11-25-2014, EKG was irregular again but last stress test still was good. Finally Scheduled electromagnetic (EM) image-guided surgery with the Fusion™ ENT Navigation System: with options thru mouth and forehead if needed, surgery on 12-19-2014, the follow up appointment on 12-30-2014 went great, he removed a small peach size tumor from lower sinus and ¼ of sinus wall, biopsy confirmed it to be inverted Papilloma but no pre-cancer or cancer cells. Upper sinus tumor was fairly large too but all benign no Papilloma or cancer. All sinuses healing up nicely so far, just needs more time. New year’s eve morning went to nursing home and were there when my girlfriends mom passed away, Later that day started not feeling well by new year’s day I had 102 degree fever, called doctor and there was a respiratory virus going around the hospital so told me to just ride out the virus. I just finished the steroids and was still taking anti-biotic; couple pain pills left so rode it out in five days. Next week my close friend’s dad died and then day after memorial mass and luncheon I started feeling sick again another virus But now fighting 102 fever with Aspirin/Tylenol all body aches fatigue headaches dry cough after the 5th day just couldn’t hold temperature down up to 104+ at times, then my ears started to hurt, trouble hearing I still thought I could beat it at home, finally my friends convinced me to go to hospital. (actually girlfreind called 911 the paramedics got me dressed and thats when I got in the car to go to hospital). Well got a bad infection started in ears, sinus, jaw, sepsis in blood stream by the time I went in, was in Intensive care for three days, all kinds of tests cat scan , x-ray’s, ultra sound to see how bad infection had spread, several types of IV's. Could not hear at all for first 4 days, very scared. . (found out later from my ENT Surgeon that I have two holes in my right ear drum and one hole in the left Drum, should heal in time by itself or might need fat graph in future) 2nd night there was delusional pulled my iv out to try walk to bathroom I don’t know what I was thinking and would never do that normally. Spent week in hospital then had to go every day for another week to get an IV transfusion, then two more weeks of pills & Ear drops twice day. Saturday mom wasn’t feeling good didn’t make it to girlfriends mom funeral mass and luncheon, early morning Tuesday Feb 3rd my dad had called ambulance to rush my mom to the hospital. She was alert talking to paramedic’s and doctors at hospital two hours at hospital and suddenly stopped breathing and they couldn’t revive her. She passed away unexpectedly. Our whole family centered around her because she had beat so many illnesses (many prescriptions morning/ night, lived thru two mini strokes was on Coumadin for last 10 years, bladder surgery, beaten colon cancer (surgically removed 12 inches of her colon), just had the third battery exchanged on her pacemaker, and some vascular demtia.) The whole family wanted to make her life as enjoyable as possible. My sister is in the process of selling her condo in Wisconsin and buying a condo in Florida so my parents could live 6months in Florida/6months in Michigan. Even bought a used mini-van for the trips, This is a huge loss to our family right now.
I was only planning on 3 months of unpaid medical leave but with surgeon taking a job out of state and now this infection and ear drums healing its bean too many months with no income, I have used up all of my savings, 401k/IRA money trying keep essential bills in early December. My Immediate goal like ASAP is to catch-up on my house payments (on third missed payment) and Stop the Forclosure Process, (This is not a good time to lose my house after paying on it for 20 years), utilities, essential debt payments and personal loans, But most would be used for current, past, future Medical bills and there is lot of them, (2012 nasal surgery, colonoscopy removed 4 polyps, Barium esophagus scan found ¾ of esophagus eroded, couldn’t swallow at times because spasms in stomach opening, now controlled with meds. 2013 med bills, 2014 surgery med bills, 2015 hospital stay, IV Transfusions, Ear Drum, Med bills, and hopefully any excess funds will be saved for 2016, 2017+, med bills.
Trust me any amount of funds I receive are going to be greatly appreciated, exspecially if I can get them in time to save my house.
So I Just want to Thank You in advance.
Steven Scott Shereda
My mom always told me if you’re going to dream, Dream Big. This is one of my dreams.
I would love to have a full time job as a Philanthropist and try to give away millions of dollars too many good Projects and Causes. Like the six degrees to Kevin Bacon theory maybe this will go viral and get to people with a lot of disposable income like Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Jack Nicholson, Oprah, Brad or Angelina Pitt, HomeBoy Kid Rock, or even Ryan Seacrest. Then everybody jumps on board and tries to out donate each other. (PS This Part is Just a Dream: )
“God Will Never Give You More Than You Can Handle.”
I’m Sorry I can’t handle all this by myself anymore; I really could use some Help Now with these Medical and Financial Emergency’s. Here’s my story; Because of chronic sinus infections and polyps blocking air flow I had endoscopic sinus surgery July 2012. After biopsy some were benign but also found rare "Inverted Papilloma Tumor" aggressive growing exophytically (outwardly projecting) that has high re-occurrence rate and has 5-15% also a chance to turn malignant (cancer). So at the time that surgeon wanted to schedule another surgery (lateral rhinotomy medial maxillectomy) and make an incision from corner of my eye to the middle of my lip, de-glove my facial skin, cut a hole in the check bone and cut the lower Tumor out, then cut hole in skull between my eyes and remove the upper tumor. Put a small plastic tube in for a new tear duct, sew me back up, after healing, pull tube out. That really scared the life out of me, (even more when I googled Images!). So after my second opinion from a new surgeon 2014, underwent a CAT scan then a MRI, received MRI results in the mail, cover letter stated that I have a "Very Large Tumor” one the size of the whole left Maxillary Sinus and one invading the majority of left upper sinus wedged between my eye and my brain. Been a nervous wreck since! It’s not growing into my upper eye orbit or brain yet is really good news, new surgeon was going to try endoscopic removal but still might have to make an incision just above eye brow and a key hole thru scull to access Upper Sinus. If they can’t get the larger growth endoscopicly then might have to make an incision inside of the mouth saw key hole thru check bone there also removing part of sinus walls. If papilloma is growing into orbit bone might have to remove part of that too, (7 thin bones puzzled together make up the eye orbit). I wanted to get this done ASAP before it gets worse and I run out of money. This Surgeon then sent me back to primary doctor for a surgical release. Blood tests were little off and EKG came back irregular, so had to get a Stress / Echo-Cardiogram Test which results were good. When I came back for my next appointment to schedule surgery, she told me that she had accepted a job out of state and now would not be able to perform my surgery and gave me a list of 5 different surgeons she would recommend, this ended up delaying my surgery another 3 months. After I made an appointment with a surgeon from University of Michigan I was pleased with his knowledge and was more confident he could remove most growths endoscopicly but would most likely need another surgery in future. Sent me for a stealth CAT scan 10-25-2014, Pre-Op Testing on 11-25-2014, EKG was irregular again but last stress test still was good. Finally Scheduled electromagnetic (EM) image-guided surgery with the Fusion™ ENT Navigation System: with options thru mouth and forehead if needed, surgery on 12-19-2014, the follow up appointment on 12-30-2014 went great, he removed a small peach size tumor from lower sinus and ¼ of sinus wall, biopsy confirmed it to be inverted Papilloma but no pre-cancer or cancer cells. Upper sinus tumor was fairly large too but all benign no Papilloma or cancer. All sinuses healing up nicely so far, just needs more time. New year’s eve morning went to nursing home and were there when my girlfriends mom passed away, Later that day started not feeling well by new year’s day I had 102 degree fever, called doctor and there was a respiratory virus going around the hospital so told me to just ride out the virus. I just finished the steroids and was still taking anti-biotic; couple pain pills left so rode it out in five days. Next week my close friend’s dad died and then day after memorial mass and luncheon I started feeling sick again another virus But now fighting 102 fever with Aspirin/Tylenol all body aches fatigue headaches dry cough after the 5th day just couldn’t hold temperature down up to 104+ at times, then my ears started to hurt, trouble hearing I still thought I could beat it at home, finally my friends convinced me to go to hospital. (actually girlfreind called 911 the paramedics got me dressed and thats when I got in the car to go to hospital). Well got a bad infection started in ears, sinus, jaw, sepsis in blood stream by the time I went in, was in Intensive care for three days, all kinds of tests cat scan , x-ray’s, ultra sound to see how bad infection had spread, several types of IV's. Could not hear at all for first 4 days, very scared. . (found out later from my ENT Surgeon that I have two holes in my right ear drum and one hole in the left Drum, should heal in time by itself or might need fat graph in future) 2nd night there was delusional pulled my iv out to try walk to bathroom I don’t know what I was thinking and would never do that normally. Spent week in hospital then had to go every day for another week to get an IV transfusion, then two more weeks of pills & Ear drops twice day. Saturday mom wasn’t feeling good didn’t make it to girlfriends mom funeral mass and luncheon, early morning Tuesday Feb 3rd my dad had called ambulance to rush my mom to the hospital. She was alert talking to paramedic’s and doctors at hospital two hours at hospital and suddenly stopped breathing and they couldn’t revive her. She passed away unexpectedly. Our whole family centered around her because she had beat so many illnesses (many prescriptions morning/ night, lived thru two mini strokes was on Coumadin for last 10 years, bladder surgery, beaten colon cancer (surgically removed 12 inches of her colon), just had the third battery exchanged on her pacemaker, and some vascular demtia.) The whole family wanted to make her life as enjoyable as possible. My sister is in the process of selling her condo in Wisconsin and buying a condo in Florida so my parents could live 6months in Florida/6months in Michigan. Even bought a used mini-van for the trips, This is a huge loss to our family right now.
I was only planning on 3 months of unpaid medical leave but with surgeon taking a job out of state and now this infection and ear drums healing its bean too many months with no income, I have used up all of my savings, 401k/IRA money trying keep essential bills in early December. My Immediate goal like ASAP is to catch-up on my house payments (on third missed payment) and Stop the Forclosure Process, (This is not a good time to lose my house after paying on it for 20 years), utilities, essential debt payments and personal loans, But most would be used for current, past, future Medical bills and there is lot of them, (2012 nasal surgery, colonoscopy removed 4 polyps, Barium esophagus scan found ¾ of esophagus eroded, couldn’t swallow at times because spasms in stomach opening, now controlled with meds. 2013 med bills, 2014 surgery med bills, 2015 hospital stay, IV Transfusions, Ear Drum, Med bills, and hopefully any excess funds will be saved for 2016, 2017+, med bills.
Trust me any amount of funds I receive are going to be greatly appreciated, exspecially if I can get them in time to save my house.
So I Just want to Thank You in advance.
Steven Scott Shereda
My mom always told me if you’re going to dream, Dream Big. This is one of my dreams.
I would love to have a full time job as a Philanthropist and try to give away millions of dollars too many good Projects and Causes. Like the six degrees to Kevin Bacon theory maybe this will go viral and get to people with a lot of disposable income like Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, Jack Nicholson, Oprah, Brad or Angelina Pitt, HomeBoy Kid Rock, or even Ryan Seacrest. Then everybody jumps on board and tries to out donate each other. (PS This Part is Just a Dream: )
Steven Shereda
Sterling Heights, MI