Let's Save Ontario Sex Ed!
Hi! I’m Nadine Thornhill, a sexuality educator and parent living in Toronto, Ontario.
Recently the people of Ontario elected Doug Ford as premier. In 2015, The Ministry of Education revised their Health and Physical Education curriculum. The updates included a comprehensive, inclusive, fact-based, age-appropriate sex education program. Mr. Ford has been adamant about his plans to repeal this curriculum and replace it with the previous version which is now 20 years out-of-date.
I’ve been educating kids, teens, parents and teachers for more than twelve years. I’m also a parent. I know first hand how important public sex education is for youth and their families.
I’m producing a series of short, educational videos for release on my YouTube channel this fall. They will cover every sexual development module from 2015 Health and Phys Ed curricula for Grades 1-8, and Grade 9-12. They will include activities, resources and conversation prompts, so no matter what the Ontario government does, people can still access the sex ed content from the current curriculum.
I need to raise $3000 to cover my production costs. This includes paying the other educators who’ve agreed to collaborate on this project; purchasing teaching materials and some a/v equipment; and hiring a caption service so we can make these videos accessible to more folks. Here are ways you can help:
Donate - If you support comprehensive sex education please donate if you can! Big donations are wonderful, but anything, even five bucks is great!
Subscribe - You can also help by subscribing to my YouTube channel. The link is here. When you get to my YouTube page just hit the “Subscribe" button and you're all set!
Share - Finally, please share this campaign! Tweet it, share it on Facebook, tell friends, family, and anyone else, so we can spread the word!
Sex ed gives youth information they need to live safer, healthier, happier lives. Let’s make sure that everyone who needs it, can have it!
Thank you for your support!